An illustration depicts the cut-away diagram of a typical joint. The two bones are held together by fluid and ligament between them. The parts of the diagram labeled from top to bottom are as follows: bone, muscle, ligament, fibrous capsule, synovial membrane, articular cartilage, and the joint cavity (contains synovial fluid).
An illustration of a skeleton structure depicts the weight-bearing joints of the body wherein the joints that are responsible for weight bearing are indicated in different color. The joints indicated include the spine, knee, ankle, hip and neck.
Synarthrotic | Synarthrotic joints allow very little or no movement. |
Amphiarthrotic | Amphiarthrotic joints allow a moderate but limited amount of movement. |
Diarthrotic | Diarthrotic joints are freely moveable and allow a great deal of movement. |
(A) shows the fibrous tissue that unites the two bones of a fibrous joint. (B) shows the cross-sectional view of the interosseus membrane that is located between the radius and the ulna. (C) shows the anterior view of the interosseus membrane of the forearm that unites the radius and the ulna.
(A) shows the skeletal structure of the head (skull) wherein a joint near the dimple is indicated as a fibrous suture. (B) shows the cross-sectional view of the same suture joint that exists in between the bones of the skull.
A cut-away diagram shows the view of the joint between a tooth and the adjacent bone. The following parts are labeled from top to bottom: crown, gum, root, periodontal ligament (gomphotic joint), and the alveolar bone.
(A) shows a lateral view of the intervertebral disc joint located between the adjacent vertebral bodies of the spine. (B) shows the anterior view of the pelvis with a close up view in the inset box which illustrates the middle joint located between the right and left bodies of the pubic bones of the pelvis. This joint is labeled as symphysis pubis in the inset.
(A) shows the anterior view of the ribcage and the following parts are labeled: rib, coastal cartilage, and sternum. (B) shows the growth plate between the adjacent regions of the bony tissue of a developing long bone.
Three cut-away diagrams are marked A through C. (A) shows the anterior view frontal plane cross-section of the shoulder joint. The following points are labeled: fibrous capsule, synovial membrane, glenoid labrum, articular cartilage, synovial cavity, subacromial bursa, supraspinatus tendon, deltoid, and head of the humerus. (B) shows the lateral view sagittal-plane cross section of the elbow point. The following are labeled: fat pad, fibrous capsule, distal humerus, synovial membrane, synovial cavity, articular cartilage, and olecranon process of the ulna. (C) shows the lateral view sagittal plane cross section of the knee joint. The following are labeled: quadriceps femoris muscle, synovial membrane, femur, suprapatellar bursa, fibrous capsule, patella, synovial membrane, prepatellar bursa, articular cartilage, sub patellar fat, menisci, subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa, tibia, and intrapatellar bursa.
(A) shows a hand bent at the elbow such that it forms a L-shaped position with the palm facing upwards and a hinge fixed through the elbow joint. (B) shows a leg and a hinge fixed through the major ankle joint.
(A) shows the atlantoaxial joint that has two forces that are acting upon it in opposite directions. (B) shows the proximal radioulnar joint that has a hinge fixed through its joint and the direction of rotation is towards the right.
(A) shows the metacarpophalangeal joint wherein the middle finger is lifted upwards and a hinge is fixed through the joint. (B) shows the metacarpophalangeal joint wherein the finger is slightly lowered downward thus forming an angle sideways. (C) shows the radiocarpal joint wherein the palm is stretched upwards and a hinge is fixed through the joint. (D) shows the side to side movement of the palm and the hinge is fixed through its joint.
(A) shows the thumb moved across towards the little fingers. A man on a saddle back of a horse slightly tilting towards his left. (B) shows the thumb diagonal with the index finger. A man over the horseback slightly leaning towards the front from his original sitting position. (C) shows the upper shoulder bone and ribcage wherein the following parts are labeled: clavicle, sternoclavicular joint, and manubrium of the sternum. (D) shows the sternoclavicular joint that has the following parts labeled: clavicle, manubrium of the sternum, and the 1st rib.
(A) shows the anterior view of the ball and socket joint of the hip. The labels are pelvic bone, acetabulum, and femoral head. (B) shows the rotation of the pelvis bone at the thigh. (C) shows a similar view as the previous one except that a hinge is fixed through the joint. (D) shows depicts the lateral and medial rotation of the thigh at the hip joint that occur in a transverse plane around a vertical axis. The direction of rotation is marked is represented by a circle.
(A) shows the anterior view of the ball and socket joint of the shoulder. The following parts are labeled: scapula, glenoid tossa, and humoral head. (B) shows the flexion and extension of the arm at the shoulder joint and a hinge fixed at the joint. (C) shows of the bending and extending of the arm at the shoulder joint that occur in the frontal plane around a mediolateral axis. (D) shows the lateral and medial rotation of the arm at the shoulder joint and a hinge is fixed through the joint.
An illustration depicts the joints between the facets in the spine. The surfaces of the facets are flat or slightly curved. One facet moves over another by gliding action. The spine area near the neck in the body of a woman is indicated. The inset shows the facet joint in clear vision.
(A) shows the lateral cross-section of the temporomandibular joint. The cut-away diagram has the following parts labeled: temporal bone, articular disc, and mandible. (B) shows the anterior view of the sternoclavicular joint. The following parts are labeled out: clavicle, manubrium of sternum, articular disc, and 1st rib.
(A) shows the posteromedial view of the right knee joint. The cut-away diagram has the following parts labeled from top to bottom: fezur, medial meniscus, lateral meniscus, head of fibula, and tibia. (B) shows the proximal view looking down on the tibia. The following parts are labeled out: lateral meniscus, medial meniscus, and tibial tuberosity.