
FORM 2-1 Occupation-based Splinting Checklist (OBS)

1. ______ Splint meets requirements of protocol for specific pathology; ensuring attention to bodily functions and structures.

2. ______ If indicated, splint design is approved with referring physician.

3. ______ Splint allows client to engage in all desired occupation-based tasks through support of activity demands.

4. ______ Splint supports client habits, roles, and routines.

5. ______ Splint design fits client’s cultural needs.

6. ______ Splint design fits with temporal needs, including season, age of client, and duration of use.

7. ______ Splint design takes into consideration the client’s physical environment.

8. ______ Splint design supports the client’s social pursuits.

9. ______ Client’s personal needs are addressed through splint design.

10. ______ Client is able to engage in the virtual world (e.g., cellular phone, PDA, computer use).

11. ______ Splint is comfortable.

12. ______ Client verbalizes understanding of splint use, care, precautions, and rationale for use.

13. ______ Client demonstrates the ability to don and doff splint.

14. ______ Adaptations to the physical environment are made to ensure function in desired occupations.

15. ______ Client indicates satisfaction with splint design and functionality within splint.

FORM 3-1 Hints for Drawing and Fitting a Splint Pattern

image Explain the pattern-making process to the person.

image Ask or assist the person to remove any jewelry from the area to be splinted.

image Wash the area to be splinted if it is dirty.

image If splinting over bandages or foam, cover the extremity with stockinette or a moist paper towel to prevent the plastic from sticking to the bandages.

image Position the affected extremity on a paper towel in a flat, natural resting position. The wrist should be in a neutral position with a slight ulnar deviation. The fingers should be extended and slightly abducted.

image To trace the outline of the person’s extremity, keep the pencil at a 90-degree angle to the paper.

image Mark the landmarks needed to draw the pattern before the person removes the extremity from the paper.

image For a more accurate pattern, the paper towel can be wet and placed on the area for evaluation of the pattern, or aluminum foil can be used.

image Folding the paper towel to mark adjustments in the pattern can help with evaluation of the pattern.

image When evaluating the pattern fit of a forearm-based splint on the person, look for the following:

• Half the circumference of body parts for the width of troughs

• Two-thirds the length of the forearm

• The length and width of metacarpal or palmar bars

• The correct use of hand creases for landmarks

• The amount of support to the wrist, fingers, and thenar and hypothenar eminencies

image When tracing the pattern onto the thermoplastic material, do not use an ink pen because the ink may smear when the material is placed in the hot water to soften. Rather, use a pencil, grease pencil, or awl to mark the pattern outline on the material.

FORM 5-1 Hand Evaluation Check-off Sheet

Person’s history: interviews, chart review, and reports:

image Age

image Vocation

image Date of injury and surgery

image Method of injury

image Hand dominance

image Treatment rendered to date (surgery, therapy, and so on)

image Medication

image Previous injury

image General health

image Avocational interests

image Family composition

image Subjective complaints

image Support systems

image Activities of daily living responsibilities before and after injury

image Impact of injury on family, economic status, and social well-being

image Reimbursement

image Motivation


image Walking, posture

image Facial movements

image Speech patterns

image Affect

image Hand posture

image Cognition


image Muscle tone

image Muscle symmetry

image Scar density/excursion

image Tendon nodules

image Masses (ganglia, fistulas)

Assessments for:

image Pain

image Skin and allergies

image Wound healing/wound status

image Bone

image Joint and ligament

image Muscle and tendon

image Nerve/sensation

image Vascular status

image Skin turgor and trophic status

image Range of motion

image Strength

image Coordination and dexterity

image Function

image Reimbursement source

image Vocation

Follow-up considerations:

image Splint fit

image Compliance

FORM 5-2 Splint Precaution Check-off Sheet

image Account for bony prominences such as the following:

• Metacarpophalangeal (MCP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints

• Pisiform bone

• Radial and ulnar styloids

• Lateral and medial epicondyles of the elbow

image Identify fragile skin and select the splinting material carefully. Monitor the temperature of the thermoplastic closely before applying the material to the fragile skin.

image Identify skin areas having impaired sensation. The splint design should not impinge on these sites.

image If fluctuating edema is a problem, consider pressure garment wear in conjunction with a splint.

image Do not compress the superficial branch of the radial nerve. If the radial edge of a forearm splint impinges beyond the middle of the forearm near the dorsal side of the thumb, the branch of the radial nerve may be compressed.

FORM 5-3 Hints for Splint Provision

image Give the person oral and written instructions regarding the following:

• Wearing schedule

• Care of splint

• Purpose of splint

• Responsibility in therapy program

• Phone number of contact person if problems arise

• Actions to take if skin reactions such as the following occur: rashes, numbness, reddened areas, pain increase because of splint application

image Evaluate the splint after the person wears it at least 20 to 30 minutes and make necessary adjustments.

image Position all joints incorporated into the splint at the correct therapeutic angle(s).

image Design the splint to account for bony prominences such as the following:

• MCP, PIP, and DIP joints

• Pisiform

• Radial and ulnar styloids

• Lateral and medial epicondyles of the elbow

image If fluctuating edema is a problem, make certain the splint design can accommodate the problem by using a wider design. Consider pressure garment to wear under splint.

image Make certain the splint design does not mobilize or immobilize unnecessary joint(s).

image Make certain the splint does not impede or restrict motions of joints adjacent to the splint.

image Make certain the splint supports the arches of the hand.

image Take into consideration the creases of the hand for allowing immobilization or mobilization, depending on the purpose of the splint.

image Make certain the splint does not restrict circulation.

image Make certain application and removal of the splint are easy.

image Secure the splint to the person’s extremity using a well-designed strapping mechanism.

image Make certain the appropriate edges of the splint are flared or rolled.

FORM 7-1 Wrist Immobilization Splint


FORM 8-1 Thumb immobilization splint—cont’d


FORM 9-1 Resting Hand Splint


FORM 10-1 Elbow Immobilization Splint


FORM 11-1 Radial Nerve Splint


FORM 12-1 Finger Splint


FORM 13-1: Anticlaw Splint


FORM 14-1 Hard-Cone Wrist and Hand Splint
