Chapter 20

Surface and Sectional Anatomy

Charles M. Washington


Visual, palpable, and imaged anatomy forms the basis of clinical examination in radiation therapy.1 Surface and sectional anatomy provides the foundation that the radiation therapist needs to be effective in simulation, treatment planning, and the daily administration of therapy treatments. Working without this foundation is like traveling from California to Maine for the first time without any planning: we know the general direction of where we want to go, but we do not know the most efficient way to get there. Sectional anatomy emphasizes the physical relationship between internal structures.2 The radiation therapist must have a complete understanding of imaging modalities that enable tumor visualization, identification of pertinent lymphatic anatomy, and the site-by-site relationship of surface and sectional anatomy. A systematic approach to this information allows the radiation therapist to link vital classroom information to its clinical application.

Related Imaging Modalities Used in Simulation and Tumor Localization

More than any other innovation, the ability to painlessly visualize the interior of the living human body has governed the practice of medicine during the twentieth century.3 In recent years, advancements in medical imaging techniques have allowed for effective ways to diagnose and localize pathologic disorders. The increased ability to image and localize the area of interest allows the treatment team to better target more exact treatment areas. Coupled with advanced immobilization, we can increase the dose delivered to the target while limiting dose to neighboring areas. The medical imaging modalities used in simulation and tumor localization fit into two categories: ionizing and nonionizing imaging studies. Ionizing imaging studies use ionizing radiation to produce images that primarily show anatomy. Examples of ionizing imaging studies include conventional radiography, computed tomography (CT), and nuclear medicine imaging, particularly positron emission tomography (PET) and the fusion of PET and CT. Nonionizing imaging studies use alternative means of imaging the body, such as magnetic fields in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and echoed sound waves in ultrasound scanning.

Conventional Radiography

Computed Tomography

In modern radiation therapy treatment planning and delivery, the use of CT imaging is the most common means of data capture. The translation of three-dimensional information is essential to the complex treatment delivery systems used today, such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), and all image-guided radiation therapies (IGRTs).
Computed tomography is an ionizing radiation–based technique in which x-rays interact with a scintillation crystal that is more sensitive than x-ray film.4 CT scanning combines x-ray principles and advanced computer technologies. The x-ray source moves in an arc around the body part being scanned and continually sends out beams of radiation. As the beams pass through the body, the tissues absorb small amounts of radiation, depending on their densities. The beams are converted to signals that are projected onto a computer screen. These images look like radiographs of slices through the body. They are typically perpendicular to the long axis of the patient’s body. The CT scan provides important anatomic and spatial relationships at a glance. A series of scans allows the examination of section after section of a patient’s anatomy.
icon Four-dimensional CT (4D CT): With the implementation of 4D CT, physicists are able to track the movement of a moving tumor (e.g., in the lung), throughout the entire breathing cycle, so physicians can follow exactly where the tumor is located at all points of the cycle. The same technology is used as for gated breathing techniques: a box with indicating markers is placed on the patient’s abdomen/chest during the simulation. This enables physicians to determine whether treatment with the gated breathing technique (where radiation is given only during a specific portion of the patient’s breathing cycle) allows the planner to minimize the amount of healthy tissue in the field.

Nuclear Medicine Imaging

The branch of medicine that uses radioisotopes in the diagnosis and treatment of disease is known as nuclear medicine. Nuclear medicine imaging uses ionizing radiation to provide information about physiology (function) and anatomic structure. This information is typically useful in noted abnormalities from tumor activity, specifically metastatic disease.5 Sensitive radiation detection devices display images of radioactive drugs taken through the body and their uptake in tissues. Although this imaging technique plays an important role in tumor imaging, it detects disease dissemination more than primary tumors. Bone and liver metastases are localized with nuclear medicine scans. These scans are relatively safe and can provide valuable information. The radionuclide bone scan is the procedure of choice for skeletal scanning. Figure 20-2 shows a bone scan. Areas of increased uptake, the dark spots, demonstrate high-activity areas that correspond to pathologic changes (uptake in the urinary bladder is normal). The radionuclide liver scan is the initial scan of choice for liver metastasis. Gallium scans localize areas of inflammation and tumor activity in patients with lymphoma. They are useful in monitoring changes in tumor size. Radiation safety procedures are important in nuclear medicine scanning. In both intravenous application and ingestion of radioactive isotopes, care in monitoring patient exposure to ionizing radiation is important. The elimination of isotopes that have run through the body (through urination) also necessitates careful monitoring and precautions.
Positron emission tomographic scanning uses short-lived radioisotopes such as carbon-11, nitrogen-13, and oxygen-15 in a solution commonly injected into a patient. The radioisotope circulates through the body and emits positively charged electrons, called positrons. These positrons collide with conventional electrons in body tissues and cause the release of gamma rays. These rays are detected and recorded. The computer creates a colored PET scan that shows function rather than structure. It can detect blood flow through organs such as the brain and heart, diagnose coronary artery disease, and identify the extent of stroke or heart attack damage. PET is useful in diagnosis of many different cancers. In that way, the physician can prescribe the appropriate treatment regimen early. In addition, PET images are used more and more to outline specific areas of anatomy and then correlated to other imaging studies such as CT and MR in treatment planning. The role of PET/CT is increasing, not only as an oncologic staging tool but also as an effective means of providing additional information for more effective treatment planning; more and more radiation oncology departments relay on PET/CT as an important tool in defining treatment areas. With both anatomic and physiologic information, the potential to visualize extension of disease not always seen on CT scan (because of size) can direct the radiation oncology team to ensure that the treatment field covers all diseased areas. This in itself can translate into better overall treatment results.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging is becoming increasingly important in radiation oncology. Technical advances in MRI allow departments to not only image targeted areas better for more accurate planning but also to aid in the daily delivery of treatment, particularly in adaptive radiation therapies. MRI records data that are based on the magnetic properties of the hydrogen nuclei, which can be thought of as tiny magnets spinning in random directions. These hydrogen nuclei (magnets) interact with neighboring atoms and with all applied magnetic fields.4 In this imaging modality, a strong uniform magnetic energy is applied to small magnetic fields that lie parallel to the direction of the external magnet. The patient is pulsed with radio waves, which cause the nuclei to send out a weak radio signal that is detected and reworked into a planar image of the body. The images, which indicate cellular activity, look similar to a CT scan. Figure 20-3 shows a sagittal MRI scan of the head.

Ultrasound Scan

Ultrasound scan (US) uses high-frequency sound waves that are not heard by the human ear. These waves travel forward and continue to move until they make contact with an object; at that point, a certain amount of the sound bounces back. Submarines use this principle to find other underwater vessels and the depth of the ocean floor. US remains a less expensive and less hazardous alternative to the earlier studies.5 A transducer, a handheld instrument, generates high-frequency sound waves. It moves over the body part that is being examined. The transducer also picks up the returning sound waves. Normal and abnormal tissues exhibit varying densities that reflect sound differently. The resultant image is processed onto a screen and is called a sonogram. The images can be a still two-dimensional cross-sectioned image or a moving image, such as the heart of a fetus.
Ultrasound scan offers no exposure to ionizing radiation, is noninvasive and painless, and requires no contrast media. However, it does not effectively penetrate bone or air-filled spaces and therefore is not useful in imaging the skull, lungs, or intestines. In radiation therapy, the use of US continues to increase. It is very helpful in noninvasive determination of internal organ location, as evidenced in the increasing use of US to locate and guide brachytherapy implants, to locate tumors within the eye, and to increase positioning efficiency during conformal prostate treatment delivery with IMRT applications. Figure 20-4 shows a radiation therapist obtaining US localization information for a patient about to undergo treatment for prostate cancer.

Anatomic Positioning

Radiation therapy requires daily reproducible positioning for effective treatment delivery. The radiation therapist uses various terms to describe the relationship of anatomic parts, planes, and sections that serve as the foundation in understanding of the body’s structural plan.

Definition of Terms

Directional terms explain the location of various body structures in relation to each other. These terms are precise and avoid the use of unnecessary words and paint a clear picture for the radiation therapist. Superior means toward the head; inferior, toward the feet; medial, toward the midline of the body; and lateral, toward one side or the other. Anterior relates to anatomy nearer to the front of the body; posterior is nearer to or at the back of the body. Ipsilateral refers to a body component on the same side of the body, whereas contralateral refers to the opposite side of the body. Supine means lying face up; prone means lying face down. Table 20-1 outlines the directional terms commonly used by the radiation therapy team.

Planes and Sections

The human body may also be examined with respect to planes, which are imaginary flat surfaces that pass through it. Figure 20-6 illustrates the standard anatomic planes. The sagittal plane divides the body vertically into right or left sides. The median sagittal plane, also called the midsagittal plane, divides the body into two symmetric right and left sides. There is only one median sagittal plane. A parasagittal plane is a vertical plane that is parallel to the median sagittal plane and divides the body into unequal components, both right and left. A coronal or frontal plane is perpendicular (at right angles) to the sagittal plane and vertically divides the body into anterior and posterior sections. A horizontal or transverse plane is perpendicular to the midsagittal, parasagittal, and coronal planes and divides the human body into superior and inferior parts. When a healthcare professional views a body structure, that structure is often seen in a sectional view. A sectional view looks at a flat surface that results from a cut made through the three-dimensional structure.

Body Cavities

The spaces within the body that contain internal organs are called body cavities (Figure 20-7). The two main cavities are the posterior, or dorsal, and the anterior, or ventral, cavities. The dorsal cavity can be further divided into: (1) the spinal or vertebral cavity, protected by the vertebrae, which contains the spinal cord; and (2) the cranial cavity, which contains the brain.
The anterior cavity is subdivided by a horizontal muscle, called the diaphragm, into the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity. The thoracic cavity is further divided into a pericardial cavity, which contains the heart and two pleural cavities, including the right and left lungs.
The abdominopelvic cavity has two sections: the upper abdominal cavity and the lower pelvic cavity. No intervening partition exists between the two. The principal structures located in the abdominal cavity are the peritoneum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, stomach, and most of the large and small intestines. The pelvic section contains the rest of the large intestine and the rectum, urinary bladder, and internal reproductive system.

TABLE 20-1

Anatomic and directional terms

SuperiorToward the top of the bodyThe manubrium is superior to the body of the sternum.
InferiorToward the bottom of the bodyThe stomach is inferior to the lung.
AnteriorToward the front of the bodyThe trachea is anterior to the esophagus, which is anterior to the spinal cord.
PosteriorNearer to the back (rear)The esophagus is posterior to the trachea.
MedialNearer to the midline; away from the sideThe ulna is on the medial side of the forearm.
LateralFarther from the midline or to the sideThe pleural cavities are lateral to the pericardial cavity.
IpsilateralOn the same side (of the body)The ascending colon and appendix are ipsilateral.
ContralateralOn the opposite side (of the body)The ascending colon and descending colon are contralateral.
ProximalNearer to the point of origin or attachmentThe humerus is proximal to the radius.
DistalAway from the point of origin or attachmentThe phalanges are distal to the carpals.
SuperficialOn or near the body surfaceThe skin is superficial to the thoracic viscera.
DeepAway from the body surfaceThe ribs are deep to the skin of the chest.

Modified from Thibodeau GA, Patton KT: Anatomy and physiology, ed 6, St. Louis, 2007, Mosby.

TABLE 20-2

Regions of the abdominal cavity

UmbilicalCentrally located around the navel
LumbarRegions to the right and left of the navel; lumbar refers to the lower back, which is located here
EpigastricCentral region superior to the umbilical region
HypochondriacRegions to the right and left of the epigastric region and inferior to the cartilage of the rib cage
HypogastricCentral region inferior to the umbilical region
IliacRegions to the right and left of the hypogastric region; iliac refers to the hip bones, which are located here
The surface markings and locations of all structures are approximations and generalizations.2 However, knowledge of the varying body types provides the radiation therapist with practical information. If therapists have an idea of where the internal structures are, especially during a simulation, they can locate the placement of the treatment reference points sooner and more accurately. This equates to less time on the simulation table and faster capture of CT scout images for the patient.

Body Habitus

Roentgen’s discovery of the x-ray allowed scientists at the turn of the nineteenth century to revolutionize the medical field, both diagnostically and therapeutically.3 These early radiographs showed differences in the location of internal anatomy from one person to the next. Although everyone had the same organs, the organs were not necessarily in the exact same place. It was agreed that humans are a variable species with regard to structural characteristics, and it is evident that variety in general physique corresponds to great variation in visceral form, position, and motility. Consistency exists between certain physiques and certain types of visceral form and arrangement. A thorax of certain dimensions obviously can house lungs of only a certain form. The same is true for the abdomen. Knowledge of this can greatly assist the radiation therapist in relating internal anatomy to varying body types.
The physique, or body habitus, of an individual can be classified into four groups. The hypersthenic habitus represents about 5% of the population. This body type exhibits a short wide trunk, great body weight, and a heavy skeletal framework. The abdomen is long with great capacity, the alimentary tract is high, and the stomach is almost thoracic. The pelvic cavity is small. When a chest film of this body type is taken, the cassette may need to be turned crosswise to image the entire chest.
The sthenic habitus is similar to the hypersthenic habitus and represents most well-built individuals. Sthenic habitus has the highest rate of occurrence and accounts for about half of the population. These persons are of considerable weight with a heavy skeletal framework when compared with hypersthenic individuals. Like the hypersthenic, the alimentary tract is high but with the stomach located slightly lower in the trunk.
The hyposthenic habitus, which represents approximately 35% of the population, has an average physique. This habitus has many of the sthenic characteristics and may be difficult to identify. The abdominal cavity falls between the sthenic and the asthenic.
The asthenic habitus has a more slender physique, light body weight, and a lighter skeletal framework. It is found in 10% of the population. The thorax has long narrow lung fields, with its widest portion in the upper zones. The heart seems to “hang” in the thoracic cavity, almost like a pendant. The asthenic body has an abdomen longer than the hypersthenic and is typically accompanied by a pelvis with great capacity. The alimentary tract is lowest of all types mentioned. Figure 20-9 compares the various body habitus. Although the internal components are the same in all body types, the locations do vary. These categories can help standardize the variances seen from person to person.

Lymphatic System

Knowledge of the lymphatic system is important in radiation therapy. For local and regional control of malignant disease processes to be achieved, the anatomy of the lymphatic system must be considered. Many tumors spread through this system; often areas of tumor spread are predicted based solely on that knowledge. For example, in a head and neck treatment plan, the supraclavicular fossa (SCF) is commonly treated even without clinical evidence of tumor present (prophylactic treatment). This treatment is important because the lymphatic drainage of the head and neck eventually drains to that area, which is the location of the right and left lymphatic ducts. This increases the potential for dissemination of disease to other parts of the body. In any examination of surface and cross-sectional anatomy specific to radiation therapy, the lymphatic system is important.
The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic organs, and the fluid that circulates through it, called lymph. The system is closely associated with the cardiovascular system and is composed of specialized connective tissue that contains a large quantity of lymphocytes. Lymphatic tissue is found throughout the body.
The lymphatic system has three main functions. First, lymphatic vessels drain tissue spaces of interstitial fluid that escapes from blood capillaries and loose connective tissues, filters it, and returns it to the bloodstream, an essential part of maintaining the overall fluid levels in the body. This function of draining and transporting interstitial fluid is the most important system role.6 Second, the lymphatic system absorbs fats and transports them to the bloodstream. Third, this intricate system plays a major role in the body’s defense and immunity. Immunity is the ability of the body to defend itself against infectious organisms and foreign bodies. Specifically, lymphocytes and macrophages protect the body by recognizing and responding to the foreign matter.

Lymphatic Vessels

Lymphatic vessels contain lymph. Lymph is excessive tissue fluid that consists mostly of water and plasma proteins from capillaries. It differs from blood by the absence of formed elements. Lymphatic vessels start in spaces between cells; at that point, they are referred to as lymphatic capillaries. These lymphatic vessels are extensive. Virtually every region of the body that has a blood supply is richly supplied with these capillaries. It stands to reason that those areas that are avascular do not have the same number of vessels. Examples of these avascular areas are the central nervous system and bone marrow. These lymphatic capillaries are more permeable for substances to enter than are associated blood capillaries. Cellular debris, sloughed off cells, and foreign substances that occur in the intercellular spaces are more readily collected through these lymphatic pathways and transported away for filtration. They start blindly in the interstitial spaces and flow in only one direction.
icon Lymphedema, also known as lymphatic obstruction, is a condition of localized fluid retention caused by a compromised lymphatic system. This often becomes a problem in the field of radiation therapy with patients with breast cancer. In surgery to remove and stage breast cancer, surgeons often remove many axillary lymph nodes to see whether the cancer has begun to spread. With this, the natural flow of lymph through the arm is disrupted, and without rehabilitation, lymphedema can occur. In these patients, the arm swells, often reducing circulation; an infection of that limb can develop. Lymphedema can usually be controlled with compression bandages and therapeutic exercises. Surgeons have also begun using a technique known as the sentinel node biopsy in hopes of reducing the risk of lymphedema development by reducing the number of lymph nodes removed during surgery.

Lymph Nodes

Along the paths of the lymph vessels are lymph nodes. These nodes vary in size from 2 to 30 mm in length, and they often occur in groups.6 A lymph node contains both afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels. Afferent lymphatic vessels enter the lymph node at several points along the convex surface. They contain one-way valves that open into the node, bringing the lymph into it. On the other side of the node are efferent vessels. The efferent lymphatic vessels are overall smaller in diameter than the afferent vessels; their valves open away from the node, again facilitating one-way flow.6 More afferent vessels come into a node than efferent vessels come out of it, which slows the flow through the nodes. This is similar to driving along a four-lane highway during rush hour and getting to a point of road construction that restricts traffic flow to one lane. You can go in only one direction and must wait your turn to move through the area. This slowing of the lymph through the node permits the nodes to effectively filter the lymph, and, through phagocytosis, the endothelial cells of the node engulf, devitalize, and remove contaminants. Figure 20-10 shows the components of a typical lymph node. The substances can be trapped inside the reticular fibers and pathways throughout the node, which causes edema. Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in a tissue that produces swelling. Edema can occur when excessive foreign bodies, lymph, and debris are engulfed in the node. This condition is evident when a person has a cold or the flu. The subdigastric nodes, located in the neck just below the angle of the mandible, become swollen and tender because of the heightened phagocytic activity in that area to rid the body of the trapped contaminants. The swelling goes down as the pathogen is devitalized. Edema also occurs when altered lymphatic pathways cause more than normal amounts of lymph filtration. This condition is commonly seen after mastectomy. The arm on the side of the surgery is often swollen because of the altered natural lymphatic pathways after the operation. The same amount of lymph is redirected through alternate routes, which causes the slowdown of lymphatic flow.

Lymphatic Organs

The spleen is the largest mass of lymphatic tissue in the body at roughly 12 cm in length. It is located posterior to and to the left of the stomach in the abdominal cavity, between the fundus of the stomach and the diaphragm. The spleen actively filters blood, removes old red blood cells, manufactures lymphocytes (particularly B cells, which develop into antibody-producing plasma cells) for immunity surveillance, and stores blood. Because the spleen has no afferent lymphatic vessels, it does not filter lymph. However, the spleen is often thought of as a large lymph node for the blood. During a laparotomy, which is surgical inspection of the abdominal cavity, in patients with lymphoma, this organ is often removed for biopsy and staging purposes. In this case, the bone marrow and liver then assume the functions of the spleen.
The thymus is located along the trachea superior to the heart and posterior to the sternum in the upper thorax. This gland is larger in children than in adults and is more active in pediatric immunity. The gland serves as a site where T lymphocytes can mature.
The tonsils are series of lymphatic nodules embedded in a mucous membrane. They are located at the junction of the oral cavity and pharynx. These collections of lymphoid tissue protect against foreign body infiltration by producing lymphocytes. The pharyngeal tonsils, or adenoids, are in the nasopharynx; the palatine tonsils are in the posterior lateral wall of the oropharynx; and the lingual tonsils are at the base of the tongue in the oropharynx.

Axial Skeleton: Skull, Vertebral Column, and Thorax

Most imaging modalities provide valuable information through visualization of differences in anatomic densities. The denser a component, the whiter it appears on a radiographic image. The axial skeleton provides the radiation therapist with a wealth of information used to reference the location of internal anatomy. The following sections briefly review axial skeleton anatomy and provide the reader with a reference necessary in relating internal structures to surface anatomy.


The skull has approximately 29 bones, and these are mostly joined by sutures, joints held together by connective tissue, which limit movement. The mandible and ossicles, which are bones in the middle ear, are the only bones in the skull not joined by sutures.
The frontal, parietal, temporal, sphenoid, and occipital bones all form the lateral aspect of the skull vault. The first two meet in the midline at the bregma, the roof of the skull, often referred to as the “soft spot,” and the last two meet at the lambda. The facial skeleton, or visceral cranium, includes the 14 bones of the face. It consists of two maxillary bones, two zygomatic bones, two nasal bones, two lacrimal bones, two palatine bones, two inferior conchae, and one mandible.


Paranasal Sinuses

The maxillary sinus is a pyramid-shaped cavity that is enclosed in the maxilla. It is the largest of the paranasal sinuses. The roof of the sinus forms the floor of the orbit. The frontal sinus lies in the frontal bone above the orbit. It may be located on the surface with a triangle between the following three points: the nasion, a point 3 cm above the nasion, and the junction of the medial and middle thirds of the superior orbital margin (SOM). The sphenoid sinus lies posterior and superior to the nasopharynx, enclosed in the body of the sphenoid bone at the level of the zygomatic arch. Superiorly the sinus is related to the sella turcica (which is approximately 2 cm anterior and 2 cm superior to the external auditory meatus) and the pituitary. The pituitary may be surgically removed through a transsphenoidal approach, one that goes through the nasal cavity; in diseases in which the transsphenoidal approach in not a viable option, a transcranial methodology may be used. The ethmoid sinus is bilateral but consists of a honeycomb of air cells that lie between the middle wall of the orbit and the upper lateral wall of the nose.

Vertebral Column

The vertebral column, located in the midsagittal plane of the posterior cavity, extends from the skull to the pelvis. It consists of separate bones, the vertebrae, which appear as rectangular densities on radiographs.2 The 33 bones in the adult vertebral column are shown in Figure 20-13, which also indicates the number of bones in each section. There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 coccygeal vertebrae. At the inferior aspect of the column, the sacrum has five fused bones, whereas the coccyx is composed of four fused bones.
The vertebral column is also very flexible. Although limited motion exists between any two neighboring vertebrae, the vertebral column is capable of substantial motion. The column also protects the spinal cord and provides points of attachment for the skull, thorax, and extremities.

Vertebral Characteristics

The first two vertebrae, C1 and C2, are atypical from all others. C1, the atlas, serves the specialized function of supporting the skull and allowing the head to tilt in the “yes” motion. It has no vertebral body. C2, the axis, has an odontoid process that extends into the ring of the atlas. When the head turns from side to side, it pivots on this process. These two vertebrae are shown in Figure 20-15.

Vertebral Column Curvatures

The vertebral column demonstrates several curvatures that develop at different levels.2 These curvatures can be classified as either primary or compensatory (secondary) curvatures. Primary vertebral curves are developed in utero as the fetus develops in the C-shaped fetal position, and they are present at birth. Compensatory vertebral curves or secondary vertebral curves develop after birth as the child learns to sit up and walk. Muscular development and coordination influence the rate of secondary curvature development.
The cervical curve extends from the first cervical to the second thoracic vertebrae (C1 to T2). It is convex anteriorly and develops as children learn to hold their head up and sit alone at approximately 4 months of age. This curve is a secondary curvature. The thoracic curve extends from T2 to T12 and is concave anteriorly. This is one of the primary curves of the vertebral column. The lumbar curve runs from T12 to the anterior surface of L5. This convex forward curve develops when a child learns to walk at approximately 1 year of age. The pelvic curve is concave anteriorly and inferiorly and extends from the anterior surfaces of the sacrum and coccyx. This is the other primary curve. The thorax can also have a slightly right or left lateral curve that is influenced by a child’s predominate use of the right or left hand during childhood and adolescence.
The cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and pelvic curves are found in the normal human vertebral column. Three abnormal curvatures also are present both clinically and radiographically. Kyphosis is an excessive curvature of the vertebral column that is convex posteriorly. This curve can develop with degenerative vertebral changes. Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column with excessive right or left curvature in the thoracic region. This abnormal curvature can develop if only one side (half) of the vertebral bodies are irradiated in pediatric patients, as in the case of patients treated for Wilms’ tumor. The radiation slows vertebral body growth on one side and the contralateral side grows at a normal rate, thus creating scoliotic changes. Lordosis is an excessive convexity of the lumbar curve of the spine. Spondylolisthesis occurs when one of the spine’s vertebrae (bones) slips forward over the vertebra beneath it. Spondylolisthesis occurs most often in the lumbar spine (low back). Figure 20-16 shows these abnormal spine curvatures.


The illustration in Figure 20-17 shows the full thorax made up of the bony cage formed by the sternum, costal cartilage, ribs, and thoracic vertebrae to which they are attached.1,8 The thorax encloses and protects the organs in the thoracic cavity and upper abdomen. It also provides support for the pectoral girdle and upper extremities.

Sternum and Ribs

The sternum, or breastbone, comprises three parts: the manubrium, which is the superior portion; the body, the middle and largest portion; and the xiphoid process, which is the inferior projection that serves as ligament and muscle attachments. The manubrium has a depression called the suprasternal notch (SSN), which occurs at the level of T2 and articulates with the medial ends of the clavicles. This point may be used in measuring the angle of chin tilt in patients with head and neck cancer when thermoplastic immobilization masks are not used. It also serves as a palpable landmark when setting up a SCF field. The manubrium also articulates with the first two ribs. The junction of the manubrium and the body form the sternal angle, also called the angle of Louis; it occurs at the level of T4.
The body of the sternum articulates with the 2nd through 10th ribs. Of the 12 pairs of ribs, the superior 7 pairs are considered true ribs. They are easily seen in the asthenic body habitus and are palpable in most others.9 They articulate posteriorly with the vertebrae and anteriorly with the sternum directly through a cartilaginous joint. These are known as the vertebrosternal ribs. The next three pairs join with the vertebrae posteriorly and anteriorly with the cartilage of the immediately anterior rib. These ribs are classified as vertebrochondral ribs. The next (last) pairs articulate only with the vertebrae and do not connect with the sternum in any way; they are called floating ribs.

Surface and Sectional Anatomy and Landmarks of the Head and Neck

The human head has various anatomic features that are both interesting and useful to the radiation therapist. These structures are rich in bony moveable soft tissue landmarks and lymphatics commonly used in field placement, position locations, and so forth. The bony landmarks are stable and are typically used as reference points, as in locating a positioning or central axis tattoo. Soft tissue landmarks can also be extremely useful. However, they tend to be more mobile and provide a less reliable reference than the bony landmarks.

Bony Landmarks: Anterior and Lateral Skull

Figures 20-18 and 20-19 outline the locations of the following anterior and lateral bony structures.
The frontal bone is the area of maximal convexity on the forehead and articulates with the frontal process of the maxillary bone on the medial side of the orbit.1,2 Together with the lacrimal bones, it protects the lacrimal duct and glands.

Landmarks around the Eye

Landmarks around the Nose

The lateral ala nasi (LAN) is a soft tissue landmark formed by the lateral attachment of the ala nasi with the cheek. The inferior ala nasi (IAN) is a soft tissue landmark formed by the inferior attachment of the ala nasi with the cheek. Both are prominent in most people and can be useful landmarks with measurements in any direction, such as superior to inferior, medial to lateral, and anterior to posterior.

Landmarks around the Mouth

The commissure of the mouth is formed at the junction of the upper and lower lip. This landmark is extremely mobile.
The mucocutaneous junction (MCJ) is located at the junction of the vermilion border of the lip with the skin of the face.
The columella is located at the junction of the skin of the nose with the skin of the face at the superior end of the philtrum.

Landmarks around the Ear

Landmarks and Anatomy around the Neck

The upper cervical vertebrae are not easily palpated; the last cervical and first thoracic vertebrae are the most obvious. The hyoid bone lies opposite the superior border of C4. When the head is in the anatomic position, the hyoid bone may be moved from side to side between the thumb and middle finger, approximately 1 cm below the level of the angle of the mandible, C2-C3. Table 20-3 relates the location of the cervical bony landmarks to other associated anatomic features.


The pharynx is a membranous tube that extends from the base of the skull to the esophagus. It connects the nasal and oral cavities with the larynx and esophagus. It is divided into the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx, shown in Figure 20-25. Note that in a sectional view of the low neck, the therapist can easily remember how to distinguish the order of the spinal cord, esophagus, and trachea. From a posterior to anterior perspective, the order is always SET up: S, spinal cord; E, esophagus; and T, trachea.

TABLE 20-3

Cervical neck landmarks and associated anatomy

C1Transverse process lies just inferior to the mastoid process; may be palpated in the hollow inferior to the ear
C2-C3Level with the angle of the mandible; lies 5 to 7 cm below the external occipital protuberance
C4Located just superior to the hyoid bone of the neck; serves as a point of muscle attachment
C4Level with the superior portion of the thyroid cartilage and marks the beginning of the larynx
C6Level with the cricoid cartilage; location of the junction of the larynx to trachea and pharynx to esophagus
C7First prominent spinous process in the posterior neck


The larynx connects to the lower portion of the pharynx above it and to the trachea below it. It extends from the tip of the epiglottis at the level of the junction of C3 and C4 to the lower portion of the cricoid cartilage at the level of the C6 vertebra.10 The larynx is subdivided into three anatomic regions: the supraglottis, glottis, and subglottis. Figure 20-26 illustrates sectional views of the larynx. The larynx is actually an enlargement in the airway at the top of the trachea and below the pharynx. It serves as a passageway for air moving in and out of the trachea and functions to prevent foreign objects from entering the trachea.
The thyroid cartilage forms a midline prominence, the laryngeal prominence or Adam’s apple, which is more obvious in the adult male. The vocal cords are attached to the posterior part of this prominence. The cricoid cartilage serves as the lower border of the larynx and is the only complete ring of cartilage in the respiratory passage; the others are open posteriorly. It is palpable as a narrow horizontal bar inferior to the thyroid cartilage and is at the level of the C6 vertebra.

Nasal and Oral Cavities

Surface Anatomy of the Neck

Anatomic landmarks around the neck are mainly used as checkpoints and reference points that can establish the patient’s position or the anatomic position of the treatment field. The most commonly used landmarks of the neck are:
1. Skin profile
2. Sternocleidomastoid muscle, which is attached to the mastoid and occipital bones superiorly and sternal and clavicular heads inferiorly. These muscles form the V shape in the neck and are associated with a great number of lymph nodes.
3. Clavicle
4. Thyroid notch
5. Mastoid tip
6. EOP
7. Spinous processes

Lymphatic Drainage of the Head and Neck

The lymphatic drainage of the head and neck is through deep and superficial lymphatic channels, around the base of the skull, and deep and superficial lymph chains. The head and neck area is rich in lymphatics. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes are the most common adenopathy seen in clinical practice.1 They are typically associated with upper respiratory tract infections but may also be the site of metastatic disease from the head and neck, lungs, or breast or of primary lymphoreticular disease such as Hodgkin disease. The lymph nodes of the head and neck are outlined in the following section. Figures 20-28 and 20-29 show the lymphatic chains and nodes in the head and neck.
The deep cervical lymph nodes form a chain of 20 to 30 nodes along the carotid sheath and around the internal jugular chain along the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The jugulodigastric lymph node, at times called the subdigastric node, is typically located superior to the angle of the mandible and drains the tonsils and the tongue. Inferiorly, the chain spreads out into the subclavian triangle. One of the nodes in this group lies in the omohyoid tendon and is known as the juguloomohyoid lymph node.1,2 When these two nodes are enlarged, carcinoma of the tongue may be indicated because enlarged neck nodes may be the only sign of the disease. These vessels supply efferent flow to form the jugular trunk, which drains to the thoracic or right lymphatic duct, both in the SCF. The cervical lymph nodes are typically included in the treatment fields of most head and neck cancers that spread through the lymphatics, which include most of these cancers. The fields that encompass the group are commonly called posterior cervical strips.

Surface and Sectional Anatomy and Landmarks of the Thorax and Breast

Various malignant diseases manifest themselves in the human thorax. Cancers of the lung, breast, and mediastinal lymphatics require the radiation therapist to have a working knowledge of the surface and sectional anatomy of the thorax. The human thorax has various anatomic features that are commonly used in field placement, position locations, and so forth. The thorax extends from the clavicles superiorly to the costal margin inferiorly.

Anterior Thoracic Landmarks

The clavicles are visible throughout their entire length in the anterior thorax, especially in the asthenic body habitus. The clavicles are easily palpable. The radiation therapist uses the clavicles when outlining a field to treat the lower neck and upper chest lymphatics. The supraclavicular lymph nodes are located superior to the clavicles; they are often treated prophylactically in head and neck and lung cancers. In addition, the brachial plexus, a network of nerves located at the medial section of the clavicle and often involved in superior sulcus (Pancoast) tumors of the lung, can be referenced to this point.

The Breast and Its Landmarks

Radiographically, the breast produces shadows that are easily seen on conventional radiographs. Figure 20-31 shows a CT scan slice through a section of the thorax and breast. Note how the patient’s internal anatomy can be related to the contour of the breast. This information is useful in treatment planning.

Posterior Thoracic Landmarks

The spines of the thoracic vertebrae slope inferiorly; the tips lie more inferior than the corresponding vertebral bodies and are easily palpable. The scapula, the large posterior bone associated with the pectoral girdle, is easily palpated on the back. The spine of the scapula is located at the level of T3. The inferior angle of the scapula is located at the level of T7.
The lower back has a few bony landmarks that serve the radiation therapist well. The crest of the ilium is located at the level of L4. This point is important in locating the subarachnoid space, the point at which lumbar punctures are commonly made. The posterosuperior iliac spine (PSIS) is approximately 5 cm from midline, is easily palpable, and lies at the level of S2.

Internal and Sectional Anatomy of the Thorax

The trachea is the part of the airway that begins at the inferior cricoid cartilage, at the level of C6. It is approximately 10 cm long and extends to a point of bifurcation, called the carina, at the level of T4-T5. Topically, it corresponds to the angle of Louis (Figure 20-33). The bifurcation forms the beginning of the right and left main bronchi, which can assist the therapist in locating the initial location of treatment field borders, especially lung cancer fields whose inferior border commonly lies a few centimeters below this anatomic reference point.
The diaphragm is the dome-shaped muscle that separates the thorax and abdomen. It is important in respiration and lies between T10 and T11. The esophagus and inferior vena cava pass through the diaphragm at the level of T8-T9, whereas the descending aorta goes through at the level of T11-T12. These features are shown in cross section in Figure 20-34.
The pleural cavity extends superiorly 3 cm above the middle third of the clavicle. The anterior border of the pleural cavity reaches the midline of the sternal angle. The pleura are more extensive in the peripheral regions around the outer chest wall. The diaphragm bulges up into each pleural cavity from below. The pleura mark the limit of expansion of the lungs.1,2
The lungs correspond closely with the pleura, except in the inferior aspect, where they do not extend down into the lateral recesses. The anterior border of the right lung corresponds to the right junction of the costal and mediastinal pleura down to the level of the sixth chondrosternal joint. The anterior border of the left lung curves away laterally from the line of pleural reflection. The surface projection of the lung and pleura is noted in Figure 20-35.

Lymphatics of the Breast and Thorax

The lymphatic drainage of the thorax and breast is important to the radiation therapist. The thorax is rich in lymphatic vessels. The lymphatics of the axilla, SCF, and mediastinum play a major role in radiation therapy field arrangement of breast, head and neck, lung, and lymphatic cancers. The lymph nodes of the thorax are divided into nodes that drain the thoracic wall and breast and those that drain the thoracic viscera.

Breast Lymphatics

The axillary lymphatic pathway comes from trunks of the upper and lower half of the breast. Lymph is collected in lobules that follow ducts, which anastomose behind the areola of the breast; from that point, they drain to the axilla. This pathway is also referred to as the principal pathway. The nodes of this pathway drain the lateral half of the breast. These nodes are important to note in invasive breast cancers: axillary nodes are commonly biopsied for assessment of disease spread. The axillary lymph nodes are commonly at the level of the second to third intercostal spaces and can be divided into low, mid, and apical axillary nodes.

Thoracic Lymphatics

The superior mediastinal nodes are located in the superior mediastinum. They lie anterior to the brachiocephalic veins, the aortic arch, and the large arterial trunks that arise from the aorta. They receive lymphatic vessels from the thymus, heart, pericardium, mediastinal pleura, and anterior hilum. The tracheal nodes extend along both sides of the thoracic trachea and are also called the paratracheal nodes. The superior tracheobronchial nodes are located on each side of the trachea. They are superior and lateral to the angle at which the trachea bifurcates into the two primary bronchi.

Surface and Sectional Anatomy and Landmarks of the Abdomen and Pelvis

Anterior Abdominal Wall

The anterior abdominal wall is bordered superiorly by the inferior costal margin and inferiorly by the symphysis pubis, inguinal ligament, anterosuperior iliac spine (ASIS), and iliac crest. The anterior aspect of the wall is formed by sheets of interlacing muscles that provide stability and form to the abdomen. The major muscles that help form the anterior abdominal wall include the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, internal oblique, and external oblique.
The external oblique muscle extends from the lower eight ribs to an insertion point that spans from the iliac crest to the midline aponeurosis, a sheet-like tendon that joins one muscle to another. It extends from the outer lateral body to the midline.
The internal oblique muscle spans from the iliac crest and inguinal ligament to the cartilage of the last four ribs. It runs in a midline to an outer lateral perspective.
The transverse abdominis muscle runs from the iliac crest, inguinal ligament, and last six rib cartilages to the xiphoid process, linea alba (a tough fibrous band that extends from the xiphoid process to the symphysis pubis), and pubis on both sides. Thus, this muscle runs from side to side.
The rectus abdominis muscle is commonly called the “six pack” by sports buffs. This muscle runs from the symphysis pubis to the xiphoid process and has three transverse fibrous bands that separate the muscle into six sections that are prominent in individuals with pronounced muscular tone.
A number of structures can be palpated in the abdomen. The xiphoid process lies in the epigastric region at the level of T9. This bony landmark is very stable. The radiation therapist typically uses this structure and the SSN to ensure that a patient is lying straight on the treatment couch. If both landmarks are in line with the projection of a sagittal laser, the thorax is usually straight. The xiphoid can also be used in conjunction with the symphysis pubis or associated soft tissue landmarks to ensure that the lower body is straight. The cartilages of the 7th to 10th ribs form the costal margin, which forms the inferior border of the rib cage. The umbilicus, also known as the navel or belly button, is an inconsistent, mobile landmark on the anterior abdomen. It is typically at the level of L4 when an individual is in a recumbent position. When standing, in the infant, and in the pendulous abdomen, it lies at a lower level.

Posterior Abdominal Wall (Trunk)

In the posterior wall, the lower ribs, lumbar spines, PSIS, and iliac crest are palpable. A line, called the intercristal line, can be drawn between the iliac crests.1 This line typically passes between the spines of the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae, a location important in lumbar punctures.

Landmarks of the Anterior Pelvis

The iliac crest extends from the ASIS to the PSIS. The ASIS is palpable, and measurements may be taken from it in the superoinferior or mediolateral direction. It is often used in referencing the location of the femur. The lateral iliac crest is also easily palpable and, being on the lateral pelvic wall, may be used as a transverse level on either the anterior or the posterior pelvis. The lateral iliac crest level is the line that joins the right and left lateral iliac crests. These crests are the most superior margin of the ilium on the lateral pelvic wall. Measurements may be taken from this level in the superoinferior direction.
The symphysis pubis appears as the 5-mm midline gap between the inferior parts of the pelvic bones.2 The upper border pubis is the palpable upper border of the midline pubic bone. It is fairly easy to palpate, except in extremely obese patients. When it is palpated, care should be taken to allow for overlying tissue. The lower border pubis is the palpable lower border of the pubic bone in midline. It is not as easily palpable as the upper border pubis because it lies more inferiorly and posteriorly. All of these can be accurately located radiographically. The radiation therapist uses these components when setting the anterior border of lateral prostate fields (the prostate lies immediately posterior to the symphysis pubis).
The ischial tuberosities are located in the inferior portion of the pelvis. This corresponds to the lower region of the buttock. When a person sits down, the ischial tuberosities bear the weight of the body. Many radiation oncologists use the ischial tuberosities as the inferior border of the anterior and posterior prostate treatment portals.
When pelvic irradiation is indicated, the radiation therapist can use the anatomy of the perineum, the diamond-shaped area bounded laterally by the ischial tuberosities, anteriorly by the symphysis pubis, and posteriorly by the coccyx, to assist in portal location. Treatment lines in these areas commonly fade because of perspiration and garment rubbing.6 Knowledge of the area can thus provide a practical means of field verification. Both male and female anatomies have useful landmarks.
The anterior commissure of the labia majora is easily distinguishable in the female. It is an important soft tissue landmark because it is used as a reference point from which the upper or lower border pubis is measured. Thus, checking back to this soft tissue landmark may eliminate variations in the palpation of the pubic bone.
The base of the penis is taken as the line that joins the anterior skin of the penis with the skin of the anterior pelvic wall. This level is used as a reference point from which the upper or lower border pubis is measured in the male. A therapist may measure changes in the lateral position of prostate fields by referencing appropriate measurements from the base of the penis.

Landmarks of the Posterior Pelvis

The most commonly used bony surface landmarks of the posterior pelvis are the PSISs, the coccyx, the iliac crests, and the lateral iliac crests. Because the latter two were also mentioned in the previous section, only the PSIS and coccyx are discussed here. The PSISs are indicated by dimples above and medial to the buttock, approximately 5 to 6 cm from the midline. They are palpable, and measurements may be taken in the superoinferior or mediolateral direction. The coccyx lies deep to the natal cleft with its inferior end approximately 1 cm from the anus.

Abdominopelvic Viscera

Location of the Alimentary Organs

The esophagus begins at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage in the neck and travels through the diaphragm to the cardiac sphincter, the entrance to the stomach, at the level of T10 approximately 2 to 3 cm to the left of midline. For radiographic visualization of the esophagus, the patient commonly is instructed to swallow a radiopaque substance such as barium before examination.
The start of the large bowel is the cecum. It lies in the right iliac region at the level of L4. The ascending colon (15 cm in length) and hepatic flexure of the colon on the right side and the splenic flexure and descending colon (25 cm in length) on the left side are largely retroperitoneal structures, whereas the transverse and sigmoid colon have a mesentery and vary in their position from one person to the next.1,2 However, similarities are found within common body habitus. The rectum starts at the level of S3 and ends approximately 4 cm from the anus. It is one of the dose-limiting structures when prostate treatment fields are outlined. Rectal visualization is thus important during the simulation process.
Figure 20-40 delineates the surface projections of the alimentary tract in the abdomen and pelvis.

Location of Nonalimentary Organs

The liver is an irregularly shaped organ located in the right hypochondriac region of the abdomen above the costal margin. The superior margin of the liver, which bulges into the diaphragm, is at the level of T7-T8. The liver is commonly imaged with CT scan, US, and nuclear medicine studies.
The gallbladder is located below the lower border of the liver and contacts the anterior abdominal wall where the right lateral border of the rectus abdominis crosses the ninth costal cartilage. This location is called the transpyloric plane. Again, US is useful in distinguishing biliary obstructions and gallstones.
The spleen, mentioned previously as a lymph node for the blood, is located posteriorly approximately 5 cm to the left of midline at the level of T10-T11. The healthy organ lies beneath the 9th through 11th ribs on the left side of the body. This organ is often examined surgically in patients with lymphoma to determine disease extension. If the organ is removed for biopsy, the splenic pedicle, the point of attachment of the organ to its vascular and lymphatic connections, is included in the abdominal treatment field for Hodgkin disease.

Location of the Urinary Tract Organs

The kidneys lie on the posterior abdominal wall in the retroperitoneal space. The hilum of the right kidney is at the level of L2, whereas the hilum of the left is at the level of L1. The right kidney lies lower than the left because of the presence of the adjacent liver. Superior and medial to each kidney are the adrenal glands. The kidneys are generally not fixed to the abdominal wall; they can move as much as 2 cm with respiration. When the radiation therapist outlines the location of these radiation-sensitive structures, this movement is important to take into account.
The ureters are tubular structures that transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. They run anterior to the psoas muscles and enter the pelvis lateral to the sacroiliac (SI) joint. The ureters, as well as the kidneys, are commonly imaged with CT scan, US, and intravenous and retrograde studies.
The urinary bladder is located in the pelvis. The neck of the bladder lies posterior to the symphysis pubis and anterior to the rectum. This organ also lies immediately superior to the prostate in the male. The urinary bladder is a dose-limiting structure in the treatment of prostatic cancer. It is commonly visualized with contrast agents during the simulation process.

Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis

The lymphatic pathways and nodes of the abdomen are often referred to as the visceral nodes because they are closely associated with the abdominal organs. The three principal groups of nodes of the abdomen that drain the corresponding viscera before entering the cisterna chyli or the thoracic duct are the celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric groups, also called the preaortic nodes.
The celiac nodes include the nodes that drain the stomach, greater omentum, liver, gallbladder, and spleen and most of the lymph from the pancreas and duodenum. The superior mesenteric nodes drain part of the head of the pancreas; a portion of the duodenum; the entire jejunum, ileum, appendix, cecum, and ascending colon; and most of the transverse colon. The inferior mesenteric nodes drain the descending colon, the left side of the mesentery, the sigmoid colon, and the rectum.

Applied Technology


• Radiation therapy requires its practitioners to have a keen knowledge and understanding of surface and sectional anatomy.
• The complex simulation procedures and planning used in patient treatment mandate strict attention to detail.
• The radiation therapist must use information provided by several imaging modalities to achieve the ultimate goal: administration of a tumoricidal dose of radiation to the tumor and tumor bed with as much normal tissue spared as possible.
• The lymphatic vessels play a major role in treatment field delineation and disease management.
• The complexity of radiation therapy requires the radiation therapist to use all available means to function effectively. All therapists should review their practical skills in surface and sectional anatomy because they are crucial for accurate treatment planning and delivery.
• For patients to completely benefit from the new technology in radiation therapy, the radiation therapist must have a strong anatomic base that allows effective treatment delivery.
• Medical imaging greatly assists not only in targeting but also in promoting greater treatment delivery options through more precise and exacting means.
• Body habitus knowledge helps the radiation therapist quickly locate treatment areas and relate internal structure location as related to body type. Knowledge of how the human body varies is essential to effective practice.
• The lymphatic system and its related components depict possible routes of tumor spread. The system’s one-way flow makes the spread patterns predictable. Closely associated with neighboring structures and the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic channels and extent of their involvement in a cancer diagnosis are essential in the radiation treatment field design and delivery.
• Anatomic landmarks are important tools in locating and recalling treatment areas. Two types of landmarks should be considered: bony and soft tissue. Although all provide useful information, the bony landmarks are more stable and more predictably referenced. Soft tissue landmarks are useful in locating general areas but may not be as exact in comparison.