Bailliere's Midwives' Dictionary E-Book - Elsevier eLibrary
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Bailliere's Midwives' Dictionary E-Book

Edited by  Denise Tiran
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Format : eBook
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Book Description

The 13th edition of this established and well-respected pocketbook has been thoroughly revised and updated to meet the needs of midwives in a variety of clinical settings throughout the world.





  • User friendly text presented in a handy pocket size format
  • Woman friendly definitions
  • Helpful appendices address primary PPH, maternal basic life support, neonatal resuscitation, management of shoulder dystocia, and cord prolapse
  • Abbreviations list defines common terms
  • Suitable for all midwifery settings, from high-tech obstetric units to home births to remote isolated areas in developing countries


  • Expanded number of entries to aid comprehensiveness
  • Includes updates in genetics, antenatal tests and investigations, infertility terminology and techniques