What's behind every healed patient? Critical thinking! And what book best equips you to master the critical thinking skills needed for success on the NCLEX examination and in professional nursing practice? Alfaro's Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment, 6th Edition! With a motivational style and insightful "how-to" approach, this unique textbook draws upon real-life scenarios and evidence-based strategies as it guides you in learning to think critically in clinically meaningful ways. The new edition features a more streamlined, full-color design, and expanded coverage on some of key trends, including: interdisciplinary care teams, competency-based education, the IOM’s Leading Health Indicators, legal considerations, the effects of the Affordable Care Act, and much more. If you want to truly succeed in nursing practice today and be thinking-oriented rather than task-oriented, then look no further than this one-of-a-kind textbook.
- Simple approach and motivational writing style
include vivid examples, memorable anecdotes, and real case scenarios to make content come alive.- Practical strategies to promote critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment are incorporated along with supporting evidence as to why the strategies work.
- Focus on application (or "how to") and inclusion of supporting rationales (theory) make difficult concepts easy to learn.
- Critical thinking indicators feature evidence-based descriptions from the author of behaviors that promote critical thinking in nursing practice.
- Highlighted features and sections — such as Chapter at a Glance, Pre-Chapter Self-Tests, Guiding Principles, Critical Moments, Other Perspectives, Think-Pair-Share, Help Me Out cartoons, real-life clinical scenarios, key points, critical thinking exercises, and more — promote independent learning.
- UNIQUE! Brain-based learning principles utilize strategies that challenge the mind and are incorporated throughout the text.
- Timely coverage includes topical issues, such as: problem-focused versus outcome-focused thinking, prioritizing, developing a culture of safety, healthy work environments, expanding roles related to diagnosis and management, applying delegation principles, evidence-based practice, improving grades and passing tests the first time, NCLEX preparation, ensuring documentation reflects critical thinking, communication and interpersonal skills, strategies for common workplace challenges, and more.
- Inclusion of ethics- and standards-based professional practice reflects today’s professional climate which demands increasing accountability.
- Incorporation of cultural, spiritual, and lifespan content along with the nurse’s role in hospitals, communities, and long-term care settings presents a broad approach to critical thinking.Â
- Discussion of Tanner and Benner’s most recent work on what the research says about critical thinking and clinical judgment in nursing keeps readers up to date on the evidence-based side of practice.
- Coverage of IOM, QSEN, and other patient safety standards also keeps readers up to date on safe and effective nursing care.