For over half a century Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine has informed and educated students, doctors and other health professionals all over the world, providing a comprehensive account of the practice of medicine. Davidson’s Essentials of Medicine provides the core content of the main textbook in a condensed format which will be invaluable whenever you are on the move – whether commuting, travelling between training sites, or on electives.
- This book provides a distillation of the core information required for clinical studies in medicine. While retaining the acclaimed readability of the main textbook it presents the key information in a format more appropriate for practical clinical work.
- The contents have been carefully selected by a team of junior doctors, emphasising only the topics that will be essential for clinical studies.
- The book includes additional chapters of content to aid clinical practice including a practically-focussed chapter on therapeutics and a useful guide to interpreting major clinical investigations.
- The text draws directly on the depth and breadth of experience of the Davidson’s authors and its International Advisory Board.
- Updated to include key changes and new illustrations included in Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine.