An excellent book covering the biomechanical and clinical aspects of each ‘element’ of fracture fixation and informs on different effective methods of use in a very concise and lucid manner.
Exceedingly valuable for postgraduate students, orthopaedic surgeons and teaching faculties as the book provides the basics and biomechanics of both new and old elements of fracture fixation. The simple sketches and descriptions will help the students and trainees to easily understand the basic and scientific rationales of modern operative fracture treatment.
- Techniques and implants involved in the management of fracture have been discussed in detail.
- Provides current knowledge on structure, design, material properties and functions of screws, plates, nails, wires and external fixators.
- Contains the relevant facts about commonly used implants in a simple and precise language.
- Essentially deals with metals used in fracture fixation and with the elements in some details.
- Deals with the structuring of the wreckage of the old bones.
- Highlights the different instruments used in fracture fixation along with the methods.
New to this Edition
- New chapter on osteoporosis and fracture fixation.
- New topics included in this edition are: totally novel concepts of screw design and effective plate fixation, methods in osteoporotic bone stabilization, biomechanics of elastic stable intramedullary nail, innovative methods and devices to prevent cutout of sliding hip screw, fresh information on cable fixation and utilization of Kirschner wire, elements of ring fixator, latest materials in fracture treatment and contemporary norms of metal removal.