Endosonography - Elsevier eLibrary
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Book Description

Covering the full spectrum of endoscopic ultrasound, Endosonography, 4th Edition, by Drs. Robert Hawes, Paul Fockens, and Shyam Varadarajulu, is a comprehensive, one-stop resource for mastering both diagnostic and therapeutic EUS procedures. Leading global authorities guide you step by step through both introductory and advanced techniques, covering everything from interpretation and accurate diagnosis to treatment recommendations. High-quality images and an easy-to-navigate format make this updated reference a must-have for both beginning and experienced endosonographers.

  • Features completed updated content throughout, including new sections on high-intensity focused ultrasound, through-the-needle biopsy, benign pancreatic masses, and gastro-jejunostomy.


  • Includes perspectives from new contributors who provide global experience and knowledge.


  • Contains new and enhanced illustrations that correlate with high-quality endoscopic images.


  • Covers cutting-edge techniques for performing therapeutic interventions, such as drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts and EUS-guided anti-tumor therapy, as well as fine needle aspiration (FNA) procedures.