Foundations for Health Promotion - E-Book - Elsevier eLibrary
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Foundations for Health Promotion - E-Book

By (author)  Jennie Naidoo Jane Wills
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Format : eBook
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Book Description

The new edition of the highly successful Foundations for Health Promotion continues to offer a wealth of information in a unique, user-friendly format. Containing over 300 artworks, tables and 'pull out' boxes, this helpful text covers the theory, strategies and methods, settings and implementation of health promotion. Applicable to a wide range of health and social care professionals and anyone engaged with education about health and wellbeing.

  • Comprehensive updating and expansion to reflect recent research findings and major organizational and policy changes
  • Clear structure and signposting for ease of reading and study
  • Wide choice of examples and illustrative case studies reflect the needs of a variety of professional groups in health services, local and municipal services and education
  • Interactive learning activities with indicative answers help readers consolidate their learning
  • Comprehensively updated and expanded to reflect major organizational and policy changes
  • Interactive learning activities with indicative answers at the end of each chapter
  • 'Pull out' boxes illustrate recent research findings and case studies of practice