Macleod's Clinical OSCEs - E-book - Elsevier eLibrary
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Macleod's Clinical OSCEs - E-book

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Format : eBook
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Book Description

This new book for medical students contains over 60 of the most commonly encountered OSCE stations in medicine and surgery. The OSCEs are arranged according to type of skill; for example history-taking, ethics and communication, physical examination. This is an accessible book for students under pressure who are revising for a clinical OSCE. It provides simple advice, tips about preparation, and will be easily understood. It provides sample OSCE station questions and simulated patient scripts (with answers) for practice at home.






  • Provides sample OSCE station questions and simulated patient scripts (with answers) for practice at home.
  • Will give an insight into how to ‘Get inside the examiners head’ to help the student do better in the OSCE station.
  • Highlights ‘red flag’ situations and explains the underlying importance of these topics.
  • Includes advice both on how to excel and on common errors at each OSCE station.
  • Several of the OSCE stations give details of how more advanced students would be expected to perform at higher levels.
  • Includes online access to sample marking sheets.