On-Call X-Rays Made Easy E-Book - Elsevier eLibrary
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On-Call X-Rays Made Easy E-Book

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Book Description

This book provides a portable aid to the interpretation of a range of plain radiographs, many of which will be have to be interpreted by the admitting or on-call ward doctor. Plain X-rays are often the first investigation carried out on patients presenting acutely, in all specialties. Their interpretation is of paramount importance, as an accurate diagnosis will guide further management and investigation in these patients. The book will also help to guide initial further management, as well as guide the need for further imaging. The book’s layout enables easy and quick reference, with a radiograph of each condition together with a succinct description of the clinical signs, radiological signs and suggested further management of each life threatening condition.

• A user-friendly guide to the interpretation of a range of on-call radiological conditions
• The emphasis throughout is on acute plain x-ray appearances for which immediate management and senior help are necessary.
• Written specifically for the on-call doctor working in all specialties.
• Will also aid efficient and accurate referral across specialties.