Orbital Imaging - Elsevier eLibrary
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Orbital Imaging

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Book Description

Orbital Imaging, by Dr. F. Allan Midyett and Dr. Suresh K. Mukherji, covers the majority of orbital pathologic entities you’re likely to encounter in daily practice or during board examination. Radiologists and ophthalmologists alike will benefit from the concise focus on pertinent imaging modalities emphasizing CT and MR of the globe and orbit, presented with bulleted lists and fast facts for quick clinical correlation. This unique, compact reference is the one you’ll consistently reach for, whether you’re learning orbital imaging for the first time, in need of a quick review, studying for exams, or looking up cases in the reading room.

  • Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability.

  • Easy to digest format promotes quick navigation to zero in on what is important:

- Key Chapter Points give a "bird’s eye view" of a particular pathologic process

- Classic Clues sum up pathologic processes and indicate when you can expect to see those findings

- Content snapshots get to the point, including fast facts, epidemiology and pathology, data overviews on treatment and prognosis, and quick tips on the most frequently seen CT and MRI features.

  • Differential Diagnosis sections tell you exactly which features to critically compare, that at first glance may look identical.
  • Superb illustrations depict important and fascinating diagnostic dilemmas.