Perioperative Nursing - EBook-epub - Elsevier eLibrary
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Perioperative Nursing - EBook-epub

An Introduction
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Format : eBook
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Book Description

Perioperative Nursing 2e has been written by local leaders in perioperative nursing and continues to deliver a contemporary, practical text for Australian and New Zealand perioperative nurses.

Appropriate for nursing students and graduates entering the perioperative environment, Perioperative Nursing, 2e offers a sound foundational knowledge base to underpin a perioperative nursing career. This unique text will also be of value to those undertaking postgraduate perioperative studies, as well as to more experienced perioperative nurses seeking to refresh their knowledge or expand their nursing practice. This essential title examines the roles and responsibilities of nurses working within a perioperative environment, providing an overview of key concepts in perioperative care. The scope of this book addresses anaesthetic, intraoperative and postanaesthetic recovery care, as well as day surgery and evolving perioperative practices and environments.

  • Research boxes where appropriate
  • Feature boxes on special populations, such as paediatric, geriatric and bariatric patients
  • Emphasis is placed on the concept of the patient journey, working within interprofessional teams, communication, teamwork, patient and staff safety, risk management strategies and medico-legal considerations.
  • Now endorsed by ACORN
  • Aligns with the 2016 ACORN and PNC NZNO Standards
  • Reflects the latest national and international standards, including the NSQHS Standards, the new NMBA Standards for Practice for Registered and Enrolled Nurses and the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist
  • Includes two new chapters: The perioperative team and interdisciplinary collaboration and Perioperative patient safety
  • Supporting online resources are available on evolve.