A new edition of the landmark pharmacology textbook for health science students in Australia and New Zealand
The third edition of Pharmacology for Health Professionals continues to be the one-stop pharmacology reference for students studying health science.
Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 3rd Edition is thoroughly revised and updated to include the latest information on the clinical use of drugs, as well as their application to specific disciplines within the health professions.
Working from a multidisciplinary approach throughout, this invaluable resource is ordered by body system and retains the features that have proved popular with health science students and lecturers, such as clinical interest boxes, drug monographs, chapter summaries and review exercises.
This authoritative pharmacology textbook gives a comprehensive introduction to important pharmacology principles and concepts, with a strong focus on therapeutics.
Written specifically for the Australasian region, Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 3rd Edition reflects local generic drug names, drug availability and clinical uses, along with local aspects of scheduling, drug legislation and ethical issues. Elsevier’s Evolve website provides an extensive ancillary package for students and lecturers, including:
• drug mechanism animations for pharmacology lecturers • a courseware management system for pharmacology lecturers • an updated test bank for pharmacology lecturers • a comprehensive image collection for pharmacology lecturers • answers to end of chapter review questions, downloadable for lecturers to share with students if desired • updated discipline-specific information for nursing, midwifery, paramedic and complementary medicines, including supplementary content, crosswords, case studies with accompanying questions, and discipline-specific learning objectives • a dosage calculations companion with self-test questions to help pharmacology students learn the essentials of drug calculations • chapter-by chapter-self-assessment quizzes for pharmacology students • web links for further information