For nearly 30 years, Principles of Medical Biochemistry has integrated medical biochemistry with molecular genetics, cell biology, and genetics to provide complete yet concise coverage that links biochemistry with clinical medicine. The 4th Edition of this award-winning text by Drs. Gerhard Meisenberg and William H. Simmons has been fully updated with new clinical examples, expanded coverage of recent changes in the field, and many new case studies online. A highly visual format helps readers retain complex information, and USMLE-style questions (in print and online) assist with exam preparation.
- Just the right amount of detail
on biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics – in one easy-to-digest textbook. - Full-color illustrations and tables throughout help students master challenging concepts more easily.
- Online case studies serve as a self-assessment and review tool before exams.
- Online access includes nearly 150 USMLE-style questions in addition to the questions that are in the book.
- Glossary of technical terms.
- Clinical Boxes and Clinical Content
demonstrate the integration of basic sciences and clinical applications, helping readers make connections between the two. New clinical examples have been added throughout the text.