Skills for Practice in Occupational Therapy E-Book - Elsevier eLibrary
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Skills for Practice in Occupational Therapy E-Book

Skills for Practice in Occupational Therapy E-Book

By (author)  Edward A. S. Duncan
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Format : eBook
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Book Description

Skills for Practice in Occupational Therapy is an essential companion for all students and newly qualified practitioners working in the complicated field of occupational therapy.

Written by Edward Duncan of the University of Stirling, the book provides a practical and pragmatic guide to becoming a successful practitioner. It covers everything from thinking and judgement to decision making, evidence-based practice and research skills, and leadership and management. It also guides the reader toward effective career advancement, getting their work noticed, and staying up to date in their field.

This book is a companion to Duncan’s Foundations for Practice in Occupational Therapy, and provides the practical applications of the theory covered in that text.







  • Completely updated to align with current practice in occupational therapy
  • Chapters structured for easy navigation
  • Practical examples and/or vignettes bring the text to life
  • Highlight boxes demystify concepts for students new to the area
  • Easy to read and engaging throughout
  • Well-referenced, links practice to theory and evidence
  • New content on goal setting, social media and implementation research