

Outer Ear

Middle Ear

Auditory Tube

Inner Ear

Hearing and Equilibrium

The Ear – Tiny Yet Complex Like a Maze

The ear (Auris) contains the sensory apparatus and nerve cells of two sensory systems that arise from a common embryonic system (the otic placode), but serve very different purposes: hearing and equilibrium or balance. The small, delicate, membranous, convoluted organs, which carry the sensory cells of both modalities, are located in the membranous labyrinth (see below). In turn, the labyrinth is positioned inside the petrous part of the temporal bone (Pars petrosa ossis temporalis), the bony pyramid that separates the posterior and medial cranial fossa. The sensory nerve, the N. vestibulocochlearis [VIII], emerges from the inner ear.

In humans (as in terrestrial vertebrates) a former (the first) pharyngeal groove (also named bronchial groove, pharyngeal cleft, or bronchial cleft) plus surrounding bones and muscles are part of the construction of the acoustic part of the ear – this includes the sound-conducting apparatus, the middle ear and the outer ear. In fish, a pharyngeal groove is a typical “breathing hole”; water “inhaled” through the mouth is expelled from the pharynx via the branchial hole. The “ear-branchial cleft” of terrestrial animals does not longer open, since a very thin membrane, the tympanic membrane (Membrana tympanica), closes it off. If the tympanic membrane had a hole, one could theoretically breathe “through the ears”, since a continuous opening would exist that connects the external acoustic (auditory) meatus to the pharynx. Practically, this is not possible because the ducts are too narrow. However, divers with ruptured tympanic membranes can experience difficulties due to influx of water into the pharynx.

Outer Ear (Auris externa)

The outer ear extends from the auricle (Auricula) to the external acoustic (auditory) meatus (Meatus acusticus externus) up to the tympanic membrane. In other words, it is the “outer part” of the former branchial cleft.

Auricles of rabbits or horses are flexible, foldable, and are used for directional hearing. In humans, only some flexibility is conserved, whereas folding and motility of the outer ear are lost. Despite the presence of remnants of these ear muscles, they are usually too weak to support significant movement of the auricle. Nevertheless, the Concha, made of elastic cartilage, assists in directional hearing in humans.

The external acoustic (auditory) meatus is 3–4 cm in length and S-shaped. It consists of a distal cartilaginous component, which continues as an osseous canal in the petrous part of the temporal bone. The osseous canal ends at the tympanic membrane. Immediately above and below to the external acoustic meatus is the temporomandibular joint. One can feel the deformation of the cartilaginous component when chewing, especially if one inserts the fifth finger into the external acoustic meatus.

Middle Ear (Auris media)

The tympanic membrane marks the lateral margin of the middle ear, which is located inside the petrous part of the temporal bone. The middle ear is a contorted mucosal space connected to other cavities. Various nerve pathways run within the walls and the cavity of the middle ear, where the three auditory ossicles are attached. The “inner part” of the above-mentioned former branchial cleft is connected through the auditory (EUSTACHIAN) tube (Tuba auditiva) with the Pharynx.

The auditory tube is lined by a mucous membrane, descending inferiorly and anteriorly of the tympanic cavity. The Tuba auditiva is located in an osseous meatus in the petrous part of the temporal bone and is supported by elastic cartilage towards the pharynx, where its pharyngeal orifice is shaped like a trumpet bell. The Tuba auditiva serves to equalise the air pressure between the middle ear and the surroundings, which is particularly evident during flying and mountain climbing.

The actual tympanic cavity (Cavitas tympani) in the petrous part of the temporal bone contains the three auditory ossicles (Ossicula auditus), Malleus, Incus, and Stapes. These ossicles are connected by flexible joints and are mounted to the wall of the tympanic cavity by ligaments to form a V-shaped lever that transmits the vibrations of the tympanic membrane (to which the Malleus is attached) to the oval window (which holds the base of the Stapes, see below). In addition, two muscles (M. tensor tympani, M. stapedius) are attached to the Malleus and the Stapes. They regulate the “tension level” of the bony chain and, thus, the efficiency of sound transmission. The branches of the two cranial nerves, the N. facialis [VII] and the N. glossopharyngeus [IX], run within the mucosal layer of the walls of the tympanic cavity; the Chorda tympani, a branch of the N. facialis [VII], descends through the tympanic cavity. These nerve branches are not directly associated with hearing and balance – they supply other regions by passing through the tympanic cavity and petrous part of the temporal bone. A branch of the N. facialis [VII] innervates the M. stapedius (see above); the branches of the N. glossopharyngeus [IX] (Plexus tympanicus) supply the mucous membranes of the tympanic cavity.

The air-filled tympanic cavity extends in an interior and posterior direction into the multi-chambered, also air-filled Cellulae mastoideae in the mastoid process of the occipital bone (which is palpable just behind and below the auricle).

Inner Ear (Auris interna)

The inner ear is referred to as the labyrinth and is also located in the petrous part of the temporal bone, just superior (vestibular apparatus) and medial (cochlea) of the tympanic cavity. A membranous and bony labyrinth can be distinguished.

The membranous labyrinth is a closed tube system. It is filled with a liquid, the endolymph, and contains the sensory organs. Its complex structure consists of three semicircular canals (Canales semicirculares) which contain sensory modalities registering accelerated rotation. Sensory modalities (Sacculus and Utriculus) of linear acceleration and static position are located in the region of the vestibule (Vestibulum).

The bony labyrinth is a cavity in the petrous part of the temporal bone. It surrounds the membranous labyrinth and its shape is identical, but bigger in size. Thus, the resulting space between the two labyrinths is filled with a liquid called perilymph. This perilymphatic space opens via two membranous windows towards the middle ear: the Fenestra vestibuli (ovalis) and the Fenestra cochleae (rotunda). The Stapes is secured in the oval window and the vibrations of the stapedial foot cause the perilymph to oscillate.

The Cochlea records the vibrations of the lymph, which are conferred by the sound-conducting apparatus of the ear. The Cochlea is the actual auditory organ. The action potentials arising from the sensory modalities of the equilibrium and the auditory organ are conducted via the N. vestibulocochlearis [VIII] which enters the labyrinth from the posterior cranial fossa via the internal acoustic meatus (Meatus acusticus internus).

Clinical Remarks

The most common acute ear diseases affect the inner ear. Permanent tinnitus, the perception of sound without real external sound, is experienced by approximately 10–20% of the population. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) is an idiopathic disease usually affecting one ear only with variable degree of hearing impairment. In most cases, recovery from SSHL is spontaneous. A frequent disease is presbyacusis which occurs after many years of exposure to higher noise levels. Hearing impairment (hypacusis) generally describes a reduction in hearing ability. Worldwide, the population over 14 years old frequently have a reduced hearing threshold. There is a wide range of hearing impairment from light reduction in hearing to complete deafness. Conductive hearing impairment and sensorineural causes of hearing impairment can be distinguished. Common causes of conductive hearing impairment are cerumen (earwax plugging the external acoustic meatus → p. 141), foreign bodies in the external acoustic meatus, inflammation of the external acoustic meatus (→ p. 138), occlusion of the auditory tube (→ p. 143), inflammation of the auditory tube (→ p. 149), middle ear infections (→ p. 144), cholesteatoma (→ p. 147), or otosclerosis (→ p. 142). Sensorineural hearing impairment is frequently caused by aging (see above), genetic syndromes (→ p. 137), infectious diseases, trauma to the head, tumours (→ p. 152), and sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Vertigo is the sensation of perceived motion when one is stationary. Vertigo most frequently results from contradictory positional information generated during dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. There are vestibular causes (inner ear, N. vestibulocochlearis, brain) and non-vestibular causes (e.g. low blood pressure).


Dissection Link

Auricle (pinna, Auricula), external acoustic meatus, and tympanic membrane are usually not dissected. The anterior and posterior semicircular canals are displayed by chipping open the bone with a chisel. Both semicircular canals are, in part, deeply embedded in the petrous bone. Usually, the horizontal semicircular canal is only demonstrated. The Meatus acusticus externus is exposed along the course of the Nn. facialis [VI] and vestibulocochlaris [VIII] up to the Ganglion geniculi, to the Cochlea and vestibular system, respectively. Next the branching of the N. petrosus major from the Ganglion geniculi is visualised. For illustration of the Cochlea, the anterior surface of the petrous bone, located medially to the internal acoustic meatus, is removed with a chisel approximately 1–2 mm parallel to the bone surface. The roof of tympanic cavity is now opened. The Malleus and Incus become visible. For visualisation of the Stapes, special preparations are required (and therefore this is usually only demonstrated). Starting at the Ganglion geniculi, the N. facialis [VII] is traced with care and attention must be paid to the Chorda tympani which runs in the opposite direction in between Malleus and Incus.



Ear Development

At approximately day 22, a thickening of the surface ectoderm occurs on each side of the rhombencephalon. These cellular condensations, the otic placodes, invaginate to form the otic or auditory pit which gives rise to the otic vesicles (otocyst). Each otic vesicle divides into a ventral (rostral) part that gives rise to the saccule and the Ductus cochlearis and a dorsal (occipital) part giving rise to the utricle, semicircular canals, and the Ductus endolymphaticus. Rostral and occipital parts remain connected through a small duct. The epithelial structures formed in this way are collectively named as the membranous labyrinth.

The first pharyngeal groove and the first pharyngeal pouch grow and come in close contact with each other. The external acoustic meatus develops from the ectoderm of the first pharyngeal groove; the middle ear derives from the entoderm of the distal part of the first pharyngeal pouch. The proximal part of the first pharyngeal pouch remains narrow and gradually forms the auditory tube (EUSTACHIAN tube). The latter has a very narrow connection with the part of the foregut which later becomes the nasopharynx. The distal part of the first pharyngeal pouch develops into the tympanic cavity.

In the lateral wall of the tympanic cavity the Recessus tubotympanicus forms and gradually extends towards the invaginating pharyngeal groove. At the site of contact, a thin membrane persists – the tympanic membrane (ear drum).

At the beginning of week 5, the chain of auditory ossicles develops from mesenchyme derived from the first and second branchial arch. At week 6, six auricular hillocks develop at the dorsal end of the first pharyngeal groove and, in a complex progressive process, form the adult auricle.

Outer ear

Ear, overview


Fig. 10.6 Parts of the ear, Auris, right side; longitudinal section through the acoustic meatus, middle ear, and auditory tube; frontal view.
Presentation of the auricle (Auricula), external acoustic meatus (Meatus acusticus externus), tympanic membrane (Membrana tympanica, ear drum), tympanic cavity (Cavitas tympani), auditory ossicles (Ossicula auditus), cochlear labyrinth (Labyrinthus cochlearis), and vestibular labyrinth (Labyrinthus vestibularis).

Sound waves initiate oscillation of the tympanic membrane (aerotympanal conduction). The auditory ossicles transmit the vibrations to the oval window of the inner ear (→
Fig. 10.27) and match the low air impedance (→ Fig. 10.17) with the high fluid impedance of the liquid-filled inner ear (impedance matching). In addition, the inner ear can also sense vibrations of skull bones (bone conduction). Within the inner ear, the sound energy propels as a wave (migrating wave). Sensory cells of the inner ear convert the sound energy into electric impulses which are transmitted via the N. cochlearis to specific regions of the brain. The vestibular organ serves the perception of rotational and linear accelerations. Motion of the endolymph contained within the vestibular organ results in the deflection of cilia on the surface of sensory cells which are in contact with afferent fibres of the N. vestibularis.

Auricle and external acoustic meatus

Tympanic membrane

Middle ear

Auditory ossicles

Tympanic cavity

Tympanic cavity, topography

N. facialis [VII], topography

Auditory tube

N. facialis [VII], topography

Auditory tube

Clinical Remarks

Cleft palate coincides with a loss of function of the Mm. tensor and levator veli palatini, as these muscles have lost their attachment point (Punctum fixum) at the hard and soft palate, respectively (→ Fig. 10.36). Thus, the contraction of both muscles fails to open the Tuba auditiva [auditoria]. In patients with cleft palate and no treatment, the middle ear is not aerated and mucosal adhesion processes occur. These children usually have major impairments in hearing and speech.

Inner ear

Bony labyrinth

Membranous labyrinth

Blood supply and innervation of the membranous labyrinth


Fig. 10.50 Blood supply and innervation of the inner ear, Auris interna, of the right side; medial view. (according to [2])
The branches of the A. labyrinthi (→
Fig. 12.96) provide the complete blood supply to the inner ear; the Vv. labyrinthi drain the venous blood. A. and V. inferior anterior cerebelli project into the internal acoustic meatus for a few millimeters (not shown) before the A. and Vv. labyrinthi branch off to provide blood supply to the labyrinth (caveat: the A. labyrinthi is a terminal artery).


Hearing and equilibrium

Mechanoelectrical sound conduction and equilibrium (balance) organ

Hearing and equilibrium

Auditory pathway


Fig. 10.58 Auditory pathway; overview.
The function of the ascending auditory pathway is to transmit acoustic signals to the brain, to process this information centrally, and to create an acoustic awareness.

1. neuron: bipolar cells in the Ganglion spirale cochleae

• After exiting the small apertures of the Tractus spiralis foraminosus deep within the internal acoustic meatus, the fibres form the N. cochlearis unite with the N. vestibularis at the floor of the internal acoustic meatus to form the N. vestibulocochlearis [VIII].

• Fibres from the basal cochlear part traverse to the Nucleus cochlearis posterior and those from the apical parts terminate in the Nucleus cochlearis anterior.

2. neuron: multipolar cells of the Nuclei cochleares

• The fibres from the Nucleus cochlearis anterior pass mainly to the olivary complex on the same or opposite side.

• Apart of the fibres crosses to the opposite side and, without synapsing, run in the Lemniscus lateralis to the Colliculus inferior.

• Fibres that reach the olivary complex on the same side, either ascend to the Nucleus lemnisci lateralis, synapse, cross to the opposite side, synapse again, and then reach the Colliculus inferior or they ascend directly in the Lemniscus lateralis to reach the Colliculus inferior.

3. or 4. neuron: From the Colliculus inferior connections are made to the Corpus geniculatum mediale.

4. or 5. neuron: The acoustic radiation (Radiatio acustica) connects the Corpus geniculatum mediale with the transverse temporal HESCHL’s gyri or convolutions and the WERNICKE’s centre in the temporal lobe.

Equilibrium (balance) pathway


Fig. 10.59 Equilibrium (balance) pathway; overview.
The equilibrium (balance) pathway coordinates eye movements and movements of the torso, neck, and extremities.

1. neuron:

• The afferent fibres of the Ganglion vestibulare mainly project into the Nucleus vestibularis medialis (SCHWALBE’s nucleus), the Nu-cleus vestibularis superior (nucleus of BEKHTEREV), and the Nucleus vestibularis inferior (ROLLER’s nucleus).

• Afferent fibres of the Cristae ampullares of the semicircular canals mainly course to the nucleus of BEKHTEREV and SCHWALBE’s nucleus as well as into the vestibulocerebellum via the direct sensory cerebellar pathway.

• Afferent fibres of the Utriculus project into the medial vestibular nu-cleus, afferent fibres of the Sacculus project into the lateral vestibular nucleus.

• The lateral vestibular nucleus (DEITERS’ nucleus) also receives collateral fibres from the vestibular pathways and, in particular, connections from the Cerebellum.

2. neuron: from the vestibular nuclei efferent fibres project

• to the Cerebellum (Tractus vestibulocerebellaris)

• to the spinal cord (Tractus vestibulospinalis)

• to the nuclei controlling the extraocular muscles (Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis)

• to the Thalamus (via the Tractus vestibulothalamicus to the Nucleus ventralis posterior inferior and from there via the Radiatio thalami to the Gyrus postcentralis)

* SCHWALBE’s nucleus

** ROLLER’s nucleus

*** DEITERS’ nucleus

**** nucleus of BEKHTEREV