Brain and Spinal Cord


Meninges and Blood Supply



Cranial Nerves

Spinal Cord

The Central Nervous System – Pressing Constriction and Open Expanse

Commonly the term “central” refers to those parts of the nervous system, the brain (Encephalon) and spinal cord (Medulla spinalis), which are located within the cranial cavity (Cavitas cranii) and in the vertebral canal (Canalis vertebralis), respectively. The locations where cranial and spinal nerves (12 Nn. craniales, 31 Nn. spinales) enter and exit the CNS mark the border between the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Distal to this border in the PNS, nerve fibres are coated with an insulating sheath formed by SCHWANN’s cells; in the CNS this insulating layer is provided by oligodendrocytes.

The Maters

Three membranes, known as meninges, completely surround the brain and spinal cord. Directly beneath the outer, tough, parchment-like membrane of, the Dura mater (“tough mother”), lies a softer membrane of, the Arachnoidea mater (“spider-like mother”), from which fine and cob-webbed fibres emerge to the surface of the CNS. The narrow space between the Arachnoidea mater and Pia mater – the subarachnoid space – is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, Liquor cerebrospinalis), in which the CNS floats. Directly on the surface of the CNS lies the very delicate Pia mater (“tender mother”), which serves as an attachment site for the fibres of the arachnoid mater.

Brain …

The skull is a space of pressing constriction: the brain fills the cranial cavity almost completely, only in a few areas (especially in the area of the occipital foramen, Foramen magnum), the subarachnoid space extends beyond a few millimetres. The brain of an adult weighs on average 1300 grams. In the dissection laboratory – that is in its fixed state – the brain has a rubber-like consistency. In the natural unfixed state, its consistency is more that of a soft pudding. This consistency is due to its high moisture content: The brain consists of 85% water, whereas the rest of the body only contains about 65% water.

The embryonic brain comprises five parts and consists of five successively arranged hollow cysts. In the adult brain, only three parts are still recognisable. The brain is hollow inside. The inner cavities are called ventricles and contain cerebrospinal fluid. The largest of the three brain parts is the Cerebrum, which takes up almost the entire interior of the skull with the exception of the area above the Foramen magnum. The cerebrum consists of a right and a left hemisphere. The surface of these hemispheres is enlarged by coarse gyri (Gyri) and called the Cortex cerebri. Likewise, the Cerebellum consists of two hemispheres and lies in the “postero-inferior” region of the skull, above of and bilateral to the Foramen magnum. Its surfaces also contain folds which are much finer and more regular. These leave-resembling folds are called Folia cerebelli, encompassing the Cortex cerebelli, the cerebellum‘s own cortex. The unpaired brainstem (Truncus encephali) is about as thick as a thumb, located at the cranial base and extends through the Foramen magnum into the spinal cord. Extensive peduncles (Pedunculi) connect the brainstem to the cerebrum and cerebellum. Ten out of twelve cranial nerves emerge from the brainstem. In contrast to the cerebrum and cerebellum, its surface appears white, because it is mainly composed of nerve fibres (white matter, Substantia alba), whereas the grey cortices mainly consist of cell bodies (grey matter, Substantia grisea).

… and Spinal Cord

The spinal cord has a white surface and resides in a spacious spinal canal. The spinal cord is about as thick as a pencil; however, the inner diameter of the vertebral canal almost reaches the width of a thumb. More caudally towards the sacral bone the vertebral canal becomes narrower; in this lower region, it does not contain any spinal cord, but rather roots of lumbar and sacral spinal nerves, each exiting the spinal canal “much lower” through their respective intervertebral foramina. The subarachnoid space is relatively wide, and a space filled with abundant adipose tissue and veins remains in between the Dura mater and the bony wall of the Canalis vetebralis. Encompassing the Medulla spinalis, the dural sac extends downwards to the coccyx. However, the caudal tip of the spinal cord concludes at the level of the second lumbar vertebra.

The diameter of the spinal cord varies. Compared to the segments that innervate the less muscular trunk, the cervical spinal cord is thicker at the site of the motor neurons responsible for the innervation of the arm muscles. The caudal part of the spinal cord providing innervation to the lower extremities again shows an increased diameter. These two enlarged regions are termed Intumescentia cervicalis and Intumescentia lumbosacralis, respectively.

The radicular filaments (Fila radicularia) of the dorsal sensory roots of the spinal nerves enter the spinal cord bilaterally sides along two longitudinal lines at its dorsal surface. On its ventral surface, the Fila radicularia of the ventral motor roots exit in a similar manner. Five to ten Fila radicularia bundle to form the dorsal and ventral roots (Radix posterior and Radix anterior); in the foramen intervertebrale, anterior and posterior roots merge to form the spinal nerve, which passes through the intervertebral foramen and exits both the vertebral column and the dural sac.


“Beware!” applies to the CNS and especially to the brain. The above summary is about the surface of the organ and – deliberately – superficial in a contextual sense. Internally, no other organ is as complex as the brain: If one has seen and understood a small part of the liver, one comprehends the entire liver. However, if one has seen a part of the brain, one cannot draw conclusions about the other parts, as no two cells are identical (although they can be classified). Only a synoptic approach, involving the anatomy, physiology, and psychology/psychiatry, lets one appreciate the brain‘s complexity.

It should be noted also that the relationship of the brain to its products, the thoughts, is still a mystery. This mystery and the complexity of the brain are often exploited as an excuse to indulge in superlatives, to speak of “the miracles” of the brain, to unite human and brain, and to emphasise uniqueness by saying: “Look, this and only this is YOU!”

Sometimes, establishing an essentially sarcastic distance to this “miraculous organ” as well as to one’s own thoughts is helpful. For example, with the (slightly altered) words of the physiologist Carl Vogt (1817–1895), a notorious scoffer: “The brain treats the thought as the liver the bile and the kidney the urine: it discharges its products”.

Clinical Remarks

Comprising about 15% of all fatalities, stroke is the third most frequent cause of death in Western industrialised countries, only surpassed by myocardial infarction (MI) and malignant tumours as the first and second most frequent causes of death. Ischemic strokes form the largest group (85%). Strokes are the most frequent cause of acquired disability in adults resulting in need of care. There are 182 stroke cases per 100,000 in the population. Annually, 150,000 new cases of stroke and 15,000 recurrences occur. The major neurological diseases of the elderly are ALZHEIMER’s disease (progressive impairment of cognitive functions), PARKINSON’s disease, and cerebral microangiopathy (BINSWANGER’s disease).

ALZHEIMER’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease. In its most frequent form, it affects elderly people over 65 years of age and comprises approximately 60% of the about 24 million cognitively impaired (dementia) patients worldwide.

PARKINSON’s disease is a degenerative disease affecting the extrapyramidal motor system. Typical symptoms include slowness of movement (bradykinesia), increased muscle tonus (rigidity), resting tremor, as well as various sensory, autonomic, psychological, and cognitive impairments. Currently, some 10 million people are estimated to suffer from PARKINSON’s disease worldwide.

BINSWANGER’s disease is the most frequent cause of vascular dementia. This is the result of a subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy with arterial hypertension and subsequent microangiopathy. An incidence of more than 3% in the advanced age group can be estimated.

These three age-related diseases commonly share many symptoms. Patients with PARKINSON’s disease often suffer from dementia, and many patients with BINSWANGER‘s disease display the same impairment in movement as patients with PARKINSON’s disease. Patients with stroke are predisposed to develop ALZHEIMER’s disease; PARKINSON’s disease increases the risk of stroke. No causal treatment is available for these three neurodegenerative diseases and the damage to the brain is irreparable.


Dissection Link

Upon removal of the brain from the skull, the blood vessels and cranial nerves in the region of the cranial base and at the base of the brain as well as the removed brain itself are inspected. For visualisation of the superficial cerebral veins, the arachnoid mater is removed from the brain. The cerebral arterial circle (Circulus arteriosus) with adjacent vessels is dissected next. The Circulus arteriosus is detached at the branching points of the blood vessels, glued to a sheet of paper and labelled. For the dissection of the ventricles, remnants of the Leptomeninx are removed, and the remaining blood vessels are traced, studied and removed. With the brain knife, a horizontal cut above the Corpus callosum is now being conducted and the lateral ventricles are opened from cranial. Severing the two Crura fornicis and deflection of the Fornix opens the third ventricle. In the following step, the dissection of the Cornu inferius of the lateral ventricle, located in the temporal lobe, exposes the Hippocampus formation. Thereafter, the cerebellum is inspected externally, dissected, the cerebellar nuclei are examined and the Pedunculi cerebelli are removed from the brainstem, exposing the fourth ventricle. The brainstem is severed; the midbrain (Mesencephalon), Pons, and Medulla oblongata are sectioned in planes for examination. Frontal and horizontal sections through each of the brain hemispheres serve to study the basal ganglia. Finally, medial and lateral tracts (including the visualisation of the Insula, Capsula interna, and optic tract) as well as the pyramidal tract, and the middle and upper cerebellar peduncles are examined. The spinal cord is best visualised on the preserved prosected demonstration specimen, where the spinal cord, the Intumescentiae, the Cauda equina surrounded by meninges and the outgoing spinal nerve pairs are visible in the opened vertebral canal.


• Structure of the nervous system • superficial arterial and venous systems of the skull • meninges: Spatium subarachnoideum, types of bleeding injuries (epidural, subdural, subarachnoid bleedings), Dura mater, course of the A. carotis interna, Sinus cavernosus, Sinus durae matris and arachnoid mater • development and structure of the CNS • Telencephalon: Cortex cerebri, hemispheres, Gyri, Sulci, cerebral cortical areas, Fornix, Hippocampus, basal ganglia, limbic system, clinical relevance • Diencephalon: Epithalamus (Glandula pinealis, Habenulae), Thalamus and Hypothalamus (pituitary gland) • Truncus cerebri: Mesencephalon, Tectum, Lamina tecti, Tegmentum, Formatio reticularis, Nucleus ruber, Substantia nigra, Crura cerebri, ascending and descending pathways • Pons: Nuclei pontis, Medulla oblongata, Nuclei raphe and olivary nuclei • Cerebellum: structure, Nuclei cerebellares, cerebellar tracts and ataxia • tracts: association, commissural, projecting tracts, Tractus pyramidalis with Capsula interna and blood supply • ventricular system: ventricles and subarachnoid space (Ventriculi encephali), Ventriculi laterales, Ventriculus tertius, Ventriculus quartus, Plexus choroideus and hydrocephalus • circumventricular organs • blood supply: Circulus arteriosus, brain arteries and venous drainage • cranial nerves: olfactory bulb and N. olfactorius [I], projections, visual tract, nuclei of the Truncus encephali, exit from the Truncus encephali, cerebellopontine angle, course, fibre qualities and cranial nerve lesions • Medulla spinalis: structure, Intumescentiae, roots, Cauda equina, spinal meninges, blood supply, segments, Substantia grisea, Substantia alba (anterior, lateral, and posterior funiculus), position of the tracts in cross-sections of the spinal cord, spinal cord injuries (hemisection and quadriplegia or paraplegia)


Meninges and blood supply

Arteries of the head

Clinical Remarks

Frequently, the carotid bifurcation is the site of pathological alterations in vasculature (extracranial arteriosclerosis: plaques, stenosis, and occlusion). Located within the carotid bifurcation is the Glomus caroticum (not shown in the figure, → Fig. 12.155). As a paraganglion, it contains chemoreceptors wich respond to changes of the pH, O2, and CO2 content of the blood.

The carotid sinus syndrome constitutes a hypersensitivity of the pressoreceptors located in the carotid sinus. Frequently, rotational movements of the head can trigger a reflex causing a sudden decrease in heart beat (vasovagal reflex). This can result in major circulatory complications and cardiac arrest.

Blood supply of the Dura mater

Intracranial bleeding

Dural venous sinuses and parts of the A. carotis interna

Sinus cavernosus

Superficial vessels of the brain

Clinical Remarks

Injuries to the bridging veins result in the accumulation of blood between the dura and the arachnoid mater and can cause a subdural haematoma (→ Fig. 12.12). Particularly those elderly patients with age-related atrophy of the brain and fragile bridging veins have a greater tendency to develop a chronic subdural haematoma. This type of haematoma is overlooked easily due to the subtle nature of the venous bleeding and the inability of the patient to recall the initiating small trauma.


Development of the brain


Development of the brain

Telencephalon, organisation of the lobes


Fig. 12.35 Lobes of the Cerebrum, Lobi cerebri; inferior view.
In addition to the four lobes of the Cerebrum listed in the legend to →
Figure 12.34, the Lobus limbicus (composed mainly of the Gyrus cinguli and the Gyrus parahippocampalis with the Uncus) and the Lobus insularis (Insula, not visible, since covered by the opercula of the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes) can be distinguished.

Primary Grooves of the Cerebral Cortex
Sulcus centralisextends between the frontal and parietal lobes; separates the (motor) Gyrus precentralis from the (sensory) Gyrus postcentralis
Sulcus lateralisseparates the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes; deep within lie the Fossa lateralis and the insula
Sulcus parietooccipitalisextends from the upper rim at the medial surface of the hemisphere to the Sulcus calcarinus; separates the parietal and occipital lobes
Sulcus calcarinuslike the Sulcus parietooccipitalis it extends at the medial surface of the hemisphere and both enclose the Cuneus
Sulcus cinguliseparates the Gyrus cinguli (Lobus limbicus) from the frontal and parietal lobes

Telencephalon, cortex

Telencephalon, Fornix and anterior commissure

Telencephalon, basal ganglia


Diencephalon, Thalamus

Diencephalon, hypothalamus and pituitary gland


Fig. 12.55 Hypothalamus; medial view; overview, nuclei illustrated translucently.
Forming the floor of the diencephalon, the hypothalamus is the supervisory regulatory centre of the autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus is composed of multiple groups of nuclei, which, according to their location, divide into the anterior, middle, and posterior groups of hypothalamic nuclei:

• The anterior group of hypothalamic nuclei comprises the Nucleus suprachiasmaticus (central pacemaker of the circadian rhythm, sleep-wake cycle, body temperature, blood pressure), the Nuclei paraventricularis and supraopticus (production of antidiuretic hormone [ADH] and oxytocin and axonal transport [Tractus hypothalamohypophysialis] to the Neurohypophysis), and the Nuclei preoptici (participation in the regulation of blood pressure, body temperature, sexual behaviour, menstrual cycle, gonadotropin).

• The middle group of hypothalamic nuclei comprises the Nuclei tuberales, dorsomedialis, ventromedialis, and arcuatus [infundibularis = semilunaris] (production and secretion of releasing and release-inhibiting hormones, participation in the regulation of water and food intake).

• The posterior group of hypothalamic nuclei comprises the Nuclei corporis mamillaris in the Corpora mamillaria which are integrated into the limbic system by receiving afferent fibres from the Fornix and projecting efferent fibres to the Thalamus (Fasciculus mamillothalamicus). They modulate sexual functions and play an important role in activities related to memory and emotions. These nuclei connect to the Tegmentum mesencephali via the Fasciculus mamillotegmentalis.

In the caudal aspect of the hypothalamus, the Infundibulum (pituitary stalk) connects the pituitary gland to the rest of the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland divides into the anterior (Adenohypophysis) and posterior (Neurohypophysis) lobes.

Clinical Remarks

Damage to the Nucleus paraventricularis and particularly to the Nucleus supraopticus causes a deficiency in ADH. Consequently, the inability to reabsorb water in the renal collecting tubules results in diabetes insipidus. Patients urinate excessively and excrete up to 20 liters of urine daily.

Acromegaly describes the distinct enlargement of the limbs and protruding body parts (acra) like hands, feet (→ Fig. 12.56), chin, mandible, ears, nose, eyebrows, or genitals. This is caused by an overproduction of the growth hormone STH in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, mainly resulting from a benign and more rarely from a malignant tumour. Gigantism with excessive growth and height results from an STH-producing tumour in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that has formed prior to the completion of the growth phase. Once the epiphyseal plates (growth plates) are closed, enlargement is restricted to the acra.


Mesencephalon and brainstem

Brainstem and Cerebellum

Cerebellum, cortex

Nuclei of the cerebellum

Cerebellum, organisation



Association and commissural tracts

Pyramidal tract

Inner and outer subarachnoid spaces



Clinical Remarks

The circumventricular organs (→ Fig. 12.91) lack the blood-brain barrier and, thus, are capable of monitoring the plasma-blood milieu. This is not only of pharmacological interest. The Area postrema contains numerous dopamine and serotonin receptors. Dopamine and serotonin antagonists are effective anti-emetic drugs. In addition, the activation of chemoreceptors in the area of the Area postrema presents a protective mechanism for the body as exemplified by the centrally induced vomiting as a response to the ingestion of spoiled food. This will remove the major part of potentially harmful substances from the body.

The impaired drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be the result of tumours, deformities, bleedings, or other causes and, due to the increased intracranial pressure, coincide with headaches, nausea, and optic papilla protrusion (papilloedema) (→ Fig. 12.93). A hydrocephalus internus (→ Fig. 12.92) is caused by the blockage of the inner (intracerebral) subarachnoid space with accumulation of CSF in the ventricles, whereas accumulation of CSF in the outer subarachnoid space is a characteristic feature of Hydrocephalus externus. A Hydrocephalus e vacuo results from an increase in ventricular size due to a rarefication of brain matter, as it occurs in ALZHEIMER’s disease.

Arteries at the cranial base


Fig. 12.94 Arteries of the brain; inferior view.
The figure demonstrates the location of the arteries at the cranial base. The Aa. vertebrales converge to form the A. basilaris which releases the Aa. cerebri posteriores and branches for the brainstem, the Cerebellum, and the inner ear (so-called vertebralis tributary). Small connecting arteries (Aa. communicantes posteriores) provide the link between the Aa. cerebri posteriores and the two Aa. carotides internae. Each of the latter contributes one A. cerebri media and one A. cerebri anterior which collectively provide the major part of the blood for the hemispheres (so-called carotis tributary). The A. communicans anterior connects both Aa. cerebri anteriores.

Clinically, the Aa. cerebri anterior, media, and posterior are divided into segments. The A1 segment (Pars precommunicalis) corresponds to the part of the A. cerebri anterior proximal to the A. communicans anterior and the part distal of the A. communicans anterior is the A2 segment (Pars infracallosa). The A3 segment (Pars precallosa) describes the part of the A. cerebri anterior located in front of the Corpus callosum and the part located on top of the corpus callosum constitutes the A4 segment (Pars supracallosa). Clinicians call the part of the A. cerebri anterior distal to the A. communicans anterior the A. pericallosa. The A. cerebri media is composed of the segments M1 (Pars sphenoidalis), M2 (Pars insularis), M3 (Pars opercularis), and M4 (Pars terminalis). The A. cerebri posterior divides into four segments: P1 (Pars precommunicalis; proximal to the A. communicans posterior), P2 (Pars postcommunicalis; up to the posterior rim of the brainstem), P3 (Pars quadrigemina; up to the point where the A. cerebri posterior enters the Fissura calcarina), and P4 (no Latin term; division into two arterial branches). Some segments are visible in the figure.

Arteries of the brain


Brain, MRI

Brain, frontal sections

Brain, horizontal sections

Brain, sagittal sections

Cranial nerves


Nuclei of the cranial nerves


Fig. 12.137 Cranial nerves, Nn. craniales; topographic overview of the nuclei of the cranial nerves III to XII in the median plane.
Nuclei of origin (Nuclei originis) with perikarya of the efferent/motor fibres divide into:

• general somato-efferent nuclei (Nuclei nervi oculomotorii [III, extraocular muscles], trochlearis [IV, M. obliquus superior], abducens [VI, M. rectus lateralis], and hypoglossi [XII, muscles of the tongue])

• general viscero-efferent nuclei (Nuclei accessorius nervi oculomotorii [III, Mm. sphincter pupillae and ciliaris], salivatorius superior [VII, Glandulae submandibularis, sublingualis, lacrimalis, nasales and palatinales], salivatorius inferior [IX, Glandula parotidea], dorsalis nervi vagi [X, viscera])

• special viscero-efferent nuclei (Nuclei motorius nervi trigemini [V, masticatory muscles, muscles of the floor of the mouth], nervi facialis [VII, mimic muscles], ambiguus [IX, X, Radix cranialis of XI, pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles] and Nucleus nervi accessorii [XI, Radix spinalis, shoulder muscles])

Terminal nuclei (Nuclei terminationes) are targeted by afferent/sensory fibres and divide into:

* clinical term: Nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini


N. olfactorius [I]

N. opticus [II]

N. oculomotorius [III], N. trochlearis [IV], N. abducens [VI]

N. trigeminus [V]


Fig. 12.144 N. trigeminus [V], left side; lateral view.
The trigeminal nerve [V] is the nerve of the first pharyngeal arch and divides into the three main branches: Nn. ophthalmicus [V/1] (bright green), maxillaris [V/2] (orange), and mandibularis [V/3] (turquoise). It mainly carries general somato-afferent (GSA) fibres, some special viscero-efferent (SVE) fibres, and motor fibres (V/3).

The N. ophthalmicus [V/1] innervates the eye (including cornea and conjunctiva), the skin of the upper eyelid, forehead, back of the nose, the nasal and paranasal mucosa. Parasympathetic fibres innervate the lacrimal gland and associate with the peripheral course of the N. ophthalmicus [V/1].

The N. maxillaris [V/2] innervates the skin of the anterior temporal region and the upper cheek as well as the skin below the eye. In addition, this nerve provides sensory fibres to the palate, the teeth of the upper jaw, the gingiva, and the mucosa of the Sinus maxillaris.

The N. mandibularis [V/3] innervates the masticatory muscles, two muscles at the floor of the mouth (M. mylohyoideus and Venter anterior of the M. digastricus), as well as the Mm. tensor veli palatini and tensor tympani. It also contributes sensory branches to the skin of the posterior temporal region, the cheek, and the chin, and innervates the teeth and gingiva of the lower jaw. Parasympathetic fibres for the large salivary glands as well as taste fibres for the tongue associate with branches of the N. mandibularis [V/3]. The latter also provides sensory fibres for the anterior two-thirds of the tongue.




Clinical Remarks

Loss of sensibility in the innervation area of a trigeminal branch suggests a peripheral lesion of the nerve. For the N. ophthalmicus [V/1] and the N. maxillaris [V/2] potential causes are a cavernous sinus thrombosis (→ p. 223), tumours of the cranial base, and skull fractures. Sensory deficiencies in the region of the mandible or paralysis of masticatory muscles often have an iatrogenic cause (dental work).

The frequent and still not fully understood trigeminal neuralgia presents with hypersensitivity of the N. trigeminus [V] and paroxysmal episodes of intense, stabbing pain in the sensory innervation area of the affected trigeminal branch. Even light touch of the area of the corresponding exit point of the branch (→ Fig. 12.146) can trigger pain.

Infections of the first trigeminal branch by varicella zoster virus (→ Fig. 12.147) can cause a post-zoster neuralgia of the N. ophthalmicus [V/1], known as herpes zoster ophthalmicus.

N. facialis [VII]


Fig. 12.149 N. facialis [VII], left side; lateral view.
The N. facialis [VII], the N. intermedius (a part of the N. facialis [VII] but often viewed as a separate nerve), and the N. vestibulocochlearis [VIII] jointly exit the cerebellopontine angle. Shortly thereafter, the N. intermedius and N. facialis [VII] unite. The N. facialis [VII] and N. vestibulocochlearis [VIII] project towards the petrous part of the temporal bone and enter the bone through the Porus and the Meatus acusticus internus. Upon release of the Nn. cochlearis and vestibularis, the N. facialis [VII] enters the Canalis facialis (→ also
Fig. 12.153). Here the facial nerve makes a posterior inferior turn in an almost right angle (external genu of the facial nerve; → Fig. 12.148). The Ganglion geniculi is located just prior to the location of the turn of the facial nerve. Along its course within the Canalis facialis, this cranial nerve provides a number of branches (→ Table, p. 310). Upon exiting the cranial base through the Foramen stylomastoideum, the facial nerve turns rostral, provides additional branches, and then enters the Glandula parotidea. Here, the nerve divides into its terminal motor branches (Plexus intraparotideus; → Table, p. 310).


Fig. 12.150 Fibre qualities of the N. facialis [VII], left side; lateral view.
The N. facialis [VII] is the nerve of the second pharyngeal arch and has several different fibre qualities.

Its motor fibres (special viscero-efferent, SVE) derive from the Nucleus nervi facialis. These fibers course around the Nucleus nervi abducentis in a posterior arch (internal genu of the facial nerve). The upper part of the nucleus contains the neurons for the innervation of the mimetic muscles for the forehead and external orbit, whereas the lower part of the nucleus harbours the neurons innervating all mimic muscles located below the eye. The upper nuclear portion receives double innervation from both cortical hemispheres (→
Fig. 12.152). Thus, it receives corticonuclear fibres from the ipsilateral and contralateral sides. By contrast, the lower portion of the Nucleus nervi facialis exclusively receives corticonuclear fibres from the contralateral sides.
Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres derive from the Nucleus salivatorius superior (general viscero-efferent, GVE). They run with the intermedius part across the N. facialis [VII], course via the N. petrosus major to the Ganglion pterygopalatinum or associate with the Chorda tympani and reach the Ganglion submandibulare via the N. lingualis (from V/3). Synapsing onto the postganglionic fibres occurs in these ganglia. These postganglionic fibres project into the lacrimal, nasal and palatine glands, and into the Glandulae sublingualis and submandibularis (→ N. trigeminus [V],
p. 302).
Special viscero-afferent (SVA) fibres of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue for the perception of taste project into the upper part of the Nucleus tractus solitarii. These fibres reach the N. facialis [VII] via the N. lingualis and Chorda tympani and then enter the brainstem. General somato-afferent fibres (GSA) from the posterior wall of the external acoustic meatus and partially from behind the ear, the auricle, and the tympanic membrane join the N. vagus [X] (R. communicans nervi vagi) for a short distance. However, these GSA fibres separate from the vagus nerve while still in the Pars petrosa and associate with the N. facialis [VII]. The perikarya of both the GSA fibres and the gustatory fibres locate in the Ganglion geniculi. They reach the Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini via the intermedius part of the N. facialis [VII].


Clinical Remarks

Central facial palsy (also named lower facial palsy) is caused by a supranuclear lesion (lesion of the corticonuclear fibres, e.g. through infarction in the Capsula interna). In contrast to an infranuclear lesion and due to the bilateral innervation of the mimic muscles of the eye and forehead, only the lower contralateral part of the face displays motor defects (→ Fig. 12.152).

An infranuclear lesion (inferior to the facial nucleus), e.g. caused by a malignant parotid tumour, results in the paralysis of all motor branches of the N. facialis [VII] on the affected side (peripheral facial palsy).

An acousticus neurinoma (→ p. 313) derives from SCHWANN’s cells of the N. vestibulocochlearis [VIII] or the N. facialis [VII]. Sooner or later, this slowly growing benign tumour will displace and damage both nerves. A peripheral facial palsy results and all topodiagnostic tests (→ p. 311) are negative. The diagnosis is concluded by MRI or CT imaging.

N. vestibulocochlearis [VIII]

N. glossopharyngeus [IX]


Fig. 12.155 N. glossopharyngeus [IX]; schematic median section; view from the left side.
The N. glossopharyngeus [IX], the N. vagus [X], and the N. accessorius [XI] exit the brainstem in the Sulcus retroolivaris and pass through the Foramen jugulare at the cranial base. Within the foramen lies the smaller of two ganglia, the Ganglion superius, followed immediately by the caudal Ganglion inferius. Once the glossopharyngeal nerve has passed through the cranial base, it courses caudally in between the V. jugularis interna and the A. carotis interna and by arching forward and running between the Mm. stylopharyngeus and styloglossus enters the root of the tongue. In its course, the N. tympanicus branches off and projects to the tympanic cavity. Here the tympanic nerve divides into the intramucosal Plexus tympanicus and exits the tympanic cavity as N. petrosus minor. The N. petrosus minor runs parallel to the N. petrosus major at the anterior aspect of the petrous bone and passes through the Foramen lacerum to reach the Ganglion oticum. Fibres of the N. glossopharyngeus [IX] passing through this ganglion innervate the parotid gland.

Additional branches are the R. musculi stylopharyngei to the M. stylopharyngeus and the Rr. pharyngeales to the Mm. constrictor pharyngis superior, palatoglossus, and palatopharyngeus as well as sensory fibres to the pharyngeal mucosa and to the Glandulae pharyngeales.

Together with the sympathetic trunk and the N. vagus [X], additional fibres generate the Plexus pharyngeus which innervates the Mm. constrictor pharyngis inferior, levator veli palatini, and uvulae.

The Rr. tonsillares supply sensory fibres to the Tonsilla palatina and the mucosa of the Isthmus faucium, the Rr. linguales contain gustatory (taste) fibres for the posterior third of the tongue. The R. sinus carotici transmits sensory input from mechano- and chemoreceptors at the Sinus caroticus and Glomus caroticum to the brainstem.


N. vagus [X]


Fig. 12.157 N. vagus [X]; schematic median section in the region of the head.
For a detailed description of the course of the N. vagus [X] → page 318.


Together with the Nn. glossopharyngeus [IX] and accessorius [XI], the N. vagus [X] exits the brainstem in the Sulcus retroolivaris and traverses the cranial base through the Foramen jugulare. The Ganglion superius locates in the Foramen jugulare and releases the R. meningeus which re-enters the cranial cavity to provide sensory innervation to the meninges of the posterior cranial fossa. Also branching off is the R. auricularis for the innervation of the outer wall of the external acoustic meatus. The Ganglion inferius locates slightly below the Foramen jugulare.

The N. vagus [X] crosses the neck and the thoracic cavity and enters the abdominal cavity. In its course, the N. vagus [X] progressively loses its appearance as a coherent nerve. At the level of the oesophagus, two distinct trunks can still be discerned (Trunci vagales anterior and posterior), but from the stomach onward the fibres distribute more widely and form multiple Plexus to reach the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney, adrenal gland, small intestine, and colon. The fibres of the N. vagus [X] terminate at the level of the CANNON-BÖHM point (left colic flexure).

In its cervical passage, the N. vagus [X] provides Rr. pharyngeales to the Plexus pharyngeus. This plexus also receives contributions from the N. glossopharyngeus [IX] and from sympathetic fibres (innervation of the Mm. constrictor pharyngis medius and inferior, levator veli palatini, uvulae – motor function [SVE], Glandulae pharyngeales – parasympathetic function [GVE], and pharyngeal mucosa – sensory function [GVA]). Additional vagal branches are the R. lingualis (taste fibres from the root of the tongue and epiglottis, SVA), the N. laryngeus superior (with the R. externus for the Mm. cricothyroideus and constrictor pharyngis inferior as well as the R. internus for the sensory innervation of the laryngeal mucosa above the vocal cords) and the Rr. cardiaci cervicales superiores and inferiores to the Plexus cardiacus at the heart (which affects the regulation of the blood pressure).

In its thoracic part, the N. vagus [X] releases the N. laryngeus recurrens. The latter loops around the aortic arch on the left side and the A. subclavia on the right side and projects back cranially to the larynx. Here the N. laryngeus recurrens innervates all laryngeal muscles (with the exception of the M. cricothyroideus) and the mucosa below the vocal cords. Additional thoracic vagal branches include the Rr. cardiaci thoracici for the Plexus cardiacus at the heart. The Rr. bronchiales reach the Plexus pulmonalis and innervate muscles and glands of the bronchial tree. The pulmonary vagal innervation registers the tension within the lung tissue and adjusts breathing by a reflectory neuronal feedback loop.

Right and left N. vagus [X] form a web-like plexus (Plexus oesophageus) at the middle part of the oesophagus. The plexus eventually contributes to the formation of the Truncus vagalis anterior (mainly fibers of the left N. vagus [X]) and the Truncus vagalis posterior (mainly fibres of the right N. vagus [X]). Both Trunci accompany the Oesophagus during its passage through the diaphragm into the abdominal cavity. From the stomach onwards, the Trunci diversify further to create numerous plexuses for the above-mentioned abdominal organs.


N. accessorius [XI]

N. hypoglossus [XII]

Spinal cord

Spinal cord segments

Somatic and visceral nerve plexuses

Spinal nerves

Arteries of the spinal cord

Clinical Remarks

The A. spinalis anterior (supply area → Fig. 12.171) can be occluded by thrombosis, tumours, etc. This results in an anterior spinal artery syndrome. Damage of the anterior horns occurs at the level of the occlusion, resulting in a flaccid paresis of the muscles and muscles parts innervated by the corresponding spinal cord segment. Simultaneously, the tracts in the Funiculus anterolateralis become nonfunctional. Those body regions innervated by the spinal cord segments below the site of injury will display spastic parapareses, loss of pain and temperature perception but preservation of touch, vibration, and postural sensation, as well as deficits in micturition, defecation, and sexual functions.

Blockage of the blood supply from the largest of the anterior radicular vessels, the A. radicularis magna or artery of ADAMKIEWICZ, results in a greater radicular artery syndrome. Depending on the level of the blockage, a paraplegia in the lower thoracic or upper lumbar regions with complete loss of the entire caudally located spinal cord functions is observed.

Arteries and meninges of the spinal cord


Fig. 12.172 Meninges of the spinal cord, Meninges; oblique ventral view. [8]
Like the brain, the spinal cord is surrounded by the three meninges, which provide protection and suspension of this CNS structure within the vertebral canal.

The Dura mater spinalis is the strongest of the three meninges and is located farthest to the outside. The laterally exiting spinal nerves and their roots are surrounded by a tubular dural sheath which radiates into and fuses with the nerve sheath (epineurium) of the spinal nerves. Inside the dura follows the spinal arachnoid mater which is separated from the Pia mater spinalis by the subarachnoid space filled with cerebrospinal fluid (Liquor cerebrospinalis). Delicate trabeculations (Trabeculae arachnoideae, not shown) connect the spinal arachnoid mater of one side with the Pia mater spinalis on the other side. This connective tissue also surrounds the blood vessels located within the subarachnoid space.

The Pia mater spinalis is a membrane rich in blood vessels and tightly attached to the surface of the spinal cord. It extends deeply into the Fissura mediana anterior, creates a sheath-like lining around the Radices posteriores and anteriores of the spinal nerves and accompanies them on their way through the subarachnoid space.

In the exit and entry areas of the radices, the Pia mater spinalis transitions into the Arachnoidea mater spinalis. The Ligg. denticulata are lateral extensions of the Pia mater spinalis to the spinal arachnoid and Dura mater along both sides of the spinal cord. They serve to attach the spinal cord in the centre of the subarachnoid space.


Clinical Remarks

Damage or compression of the spinal cord can be caused by intramedullary (→ Fig. 12.179) or extramedullary tumours, medial disc prolapses, dorsal spondylophytes, or traumatic injury. A complete paraplegia results in the loss of all qualities of sensation, motor function, and autonomic functions below the site of the lesion. In the early stages, a flaccid paralysis develops below the lesion (spinal shock), which then converts into a spastic paralysis.

The BROWN-SÉQUARD’s syndrome describes a spinal hemiplegia with spastic paresis below the site of the lesion plus a dissociated impairment of sensor functions with loss of proprioception, vibration and epicritic sensibility (dorsal tracts) on the site of the injury and loss in pain and temperature sensation on the contralateral side (lateral tracts; → Fig. 12.192).

Spina bifida is a congenital defective closure of the vertebral column and spinal cord caused by teratogenic factors (e.g. alcohol, medication) or missing induction of the Chorda dorsalis.

The Spina bifida occulta (→ Fig. 12.181) exclusively involves the vertebral arches. In most cases, unfused arches are found in one or two vertebrae and the corresponding overlying skin is often covered with hair and is more intensely pigmented. Usually, these patients show no symptoms.

In the case of a Spina bifida cystica (→ Fig. 12.180), the vertebral arches of a number of neighbouring vertebrae are not closed; a cyst-like protrusion of the spinal meninges extends into the defect (meningocele). A meningomyelocele exists if the meningeal cyst contains spinal cord and nerves (coincides with functional deficits).

Spina bifida aperta (rachischisis, myeloschisis) is the most severe form of spina bifida with underlying defect in the proper closure of the neural folds. With no skin cover to protect it, the undifferentiated neural plate is exposed on the back. Newborns with such defects usually die shortly after birth.

Functional organisation of the spinal cord


Tracts of the spinal cord


Fig. 12.186 Pathways for epicritic (blue) and protopathic (green) sensibility (afferent tracts).
Pathway of epicritic sensibility (touch pathway, serves the perception of precise differentiation of pressure and touch as well as proprioception):

Pathway for protopathic sensibility (pain pathway, serves the pain, temperature and general pressure sensation):


Fig. 12.188 Pathways of the motor system (efferent tracts).
The motor system comprises a large number of nuclear regions and tracts. The “final motor pathway” are the motoneurons. Despite the extraordinary complexity of these circuits, the traditional organisation will be maintained for didactic reasons.

Pyramidal tract:

Cranial nerves:

Extrapyramidal motor system:

* motor nuclei of cranial nerves