



Lacrimal Apparatus

Muscles of the Eye



Visual Pathway

The Eye – a Window to the World

When anatomists discuss the visual organ (Organum visus), firstly they mean the eyeball (Bulbus oculi) and, secondly, the auxiliary structures in its immediate surroundings (Structurae oculi accessoriae). Except for the eyelids (Palpebrae), all auxiliary structures – including the eyeball – are enclosed within the orbit (Orbita).


“Orbita” is certainly one of the least appropriate anatomical terms. The word is derived from the word “orbis” (circle), but a quick look at the skull confirms immediately that the outer opening of the orbit (Aditus orbitalis) is not completely circular but its contour is rather oval to round. At the nasal margin of the Aditus orbitalis, the bony structures of the nasolacrimal canal (Canalis nasolacrimalis) open towards the orbit. The walls of the orbit form a steep pyramid towards the inside of the orbit, with its upper and lower wall perforated by two large fissures (Fissurae orbitales superior and inferior) to allow many nerves and vessels to pass through. The canal for the optic nerve (Canalis nervi optici) is located at the tip of this pyramid.


The Bulbus oculi (lat. “bulbus”: the onion) actually resembles an onion more than a ball. One can imagine a multilayered onion sprouting at one pole and rooting at the opposite pole. Similarly, the ocular bulbus is made up of multiple layers. The eyeball contains a watchglass-curved transparent cornea (Cornea) and the optic nerve (N. opticus [II]) at its anterior and posterior pole, respectively.

The outer (fibrous) layer of the eyeball (Tunica fibrosa bulbi) is composed of the sclera (Sclera) and cornea (Cornea) and consists of firm collagenous connective tissue. The extra-ocular muscles (see below) are anchored in what one perceives as “the white of the eye”, which is the Sclera. The Sclera turns into the avascular and transparent cornea (Cornea) which consists also mainly of collagen.

The middle (vascular) layer of the eyeball (Tunica vasculosa bulbi) consists of choroid (Choroidea), ciliary body (Corpus ciliare) and iris (Iris). It is very rich in vasculature (branches of Aa. ciliares) and strongly pigmented. This vascular layer of the eye also contains the intraocular muscles which are not subject to voluntary control. From the outside, the iris, the anterior portion of the Tunica vasculosa, along with the pupil (Pupilla) is visible. Muscles located within the iris can constrict or dilate the pupil (adaption). Along and behind the root (outer margin) of the iris, the Tunica vasculosa forms a circular bulge known as the ciliary body (Corpus ciliare). The M. ciliaris is anchored within the Corpus ciliare. The ciliary body received its name because of the radial zonular fibres (Fibrae zonulares) which radiate towards the middle to secure the lens (Lens) in its position immediately behind the pupil. Normally, the lens is transparent and elastic. The effect of the zonular fibres and the ciliary body on the shape of the lens changes the refractive power of the lens and leads to focussing of the eye (accommodation). The actual vascular layer separates the Sclera and Retina and covers the posterior half of the eyeball.

The inner layer of the eyeball (Tunica interna bulbi, syn. Retina) consists of a photoreceptor-free (i.e. nonvisual) (Pars caeca retinae) and a photoreceptor (i.e. visual) part (Pars optica retinae). The Pars caeca is a thin, heavily pigmented epithelium that covers the posterior part of the iris and the Corpus ciliare. Along the serrated edge (Ora serrata), just behind the ciliary body, it transforms into the much thicker Pars optica. However, this “seeing” Pars optica has a blind spot (Discus nervi op-tici), where the optic nerve leaves the Retina and the branches of the A. centralis retinae penetrate into the Retina.

All layers of the eyeball and their differentiations surround the gelatinous, totally transparent interior of the eye, the vitreous body (Corpus vitreum). It stabilizes the entire membranous structure of the eye by its swelling pressure (intra-ocular pressure) – similar to the air bubble inside a soccer ball stabilizing its leathery coat.

Auxiliary Structures

The auxiliary structures of the eye consist of the eyelids (Palpebrae), the conjunctiva (Tunica conjunctiva), the lacrimal apparatus (Apparatus lacrimalis), the six extra-ocular muscles and their three motor (cranial) nerves, numerous blood vessels, and a considerable orbital fat body (Corpus adiposum orbitae).

The eyelids (Palpebrae) are not only responsible for the protection of the eyeball but distribute the tear film across the surface of the eye while constantly blinking. This prevents the surface of the eye from drying out. Located in the eyelids, numerous specialized sebaceous glands (MEIBOMIAN glands; Glandulae tarsales) contribute a fatty se-cretion to the tear film.

The conjunctiva (Tunica conjunctiva) is a thin, transparent epithelial layer and covers the inner side of the Palpebrae and the visible part of the Sclera. Its mucous secretions are a component of the tear film. At the corneal limbus (Limbus corneae) the conjunctiva transitions into the corneal epithelium.

The lacrimal gland (Glandula lacrimalis), positioned at the upper outer (lateral) corner of the orbit, and numerous accessory glands (Glandulae lacrimales accessoriae) located in the eyelids, produce the watery constituent of the tears (Lacrimae). During eyelid closure the tear film is wiped towards the medial (nasal) canthus (nasal palpebral commissure) which contains the lacrimal caruncle (Caruncula lacrimalis), where the collected tears accumulate to create a lacrimal lake (Lacus lacrimalis). The lacrimal puncti (Puncta lacrimalia), one opening above and the other below the Caruncula, are connected to two lacrimal canaliculi (Canaliculi lacrimales). These canaliculi drain the tears into the lacrimal sac (Saccus lacrimalis), which opens into the nasolacrimal duct (Ductus nasolacrimalis) and empties the tears into the nasal cavity.

All six extra-ocular muscles insert at the Bulbus oculi and move it in different directions. Most of them arise from a common tendinous ring (Anulus tendineus communis) which surrounds the N. opticus [II] at its entry into the orbit. An exception is the inferior oblique eye muscle which lies on the floor of the orbit and originates directly lateral to the opening of the Canalis nasolacrimalis. The extra-ocular muscles form a muscle cone behind the eyeball with its tip pointing towards the Canalis nervi optici. Located in the centre of the Canalis nervi optici, the A. ophthalmica and the N. opticus [II] reach the posterior pole of the eyeball. The three nerves innervating the extra-ocular muscles, various branches of the N. ophthalmicus [V/1], as well as the branches of the V. ophthalmica are positioned within or adjacent to the cone. The remaining gaps between the structures are filled by adipose tissue, the Corpus adiposum orbitae.

Clinical Remarks

The dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca complex) is one of the most frequent chronic diseases affecting the surface of the eye. Every second patient consulting an ophthalmologist in Western industrial countries suffers from this disease.

The age-dependent macular degeneration (AMD) is the most frequent cause of blindness in the industrialised world, followed by diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. While AMD mostly affects elderly people, diabetic retinopathy mostly affects individuals during the prime of their life (approx. 2000 new cases of blindness per year). Similar incidence rates as reported for diabetic retinopathy apply to glaucoma.

Despite the fact that cataract is a common disease, it is not a frequent cause of blindness in Western industrial countries since prompt surgical intervention is an effective remedy in symptomatic cataract patients. However, cataract is the main cause of blindness worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cataract is responsible for 48% of all cases of blindness (approx. 17 million patients) worldwide. The main reason is a poor healthcare system in large parts of the world. In Africa, Southeast Asia, Central and Latin (South) America, and in the Middle East, approximately 84 million patients suffer from trachoma infection and 1.3 million of those infected cannot be cured (costs for treatment approx. 15 є/person). Trachoma infection is a classical disease of developing countries with poor sanitation and contaminated drinking water. Another cause of blindness during childhood in developing countries is vitamin A deficiency (costs of treatment approx. 1 є/ child).


Dissection Link

For the dissection of the orbit, the Pars orbitalis of the M. orbicularis oculi together with the Partes palpebrales of the upper and the lower lid are removed from the underlying connective tissue and turned over medially. The structures should not be detached at the nasal canthus. Septum orbitale, Tarsus superior and inferior, and the Ligg. palpebralia mediale and laterale are presented. For cranial access to the orbit, skin and muscles covering the frontal bone and the Dura mater in the anterior cranial fossa are removed. The opening the orbital roof should be carried out carefully to avoid damage to the Periorbita and other structures passing through the Fissura orbitalis superior. Upon opening of the Periorbita, the M. levator palpebrae superioris with attached eyelid is dissected towards the Anulus tendineus (do not detach the N. trochlearis and R. superior of the N. oculomotorius). Next, all the structures of the orbit are dissected from top to bottom by removing the orbital fat body. Careful blunt removal of the orbital fat body should be performed to preserve the Ganglion ciliare.




Bony orbit



Facial Muscles

Clinical Remarks

Injuries to the N. facialis can result in the paralysis of the M. orbicularis oculi with the inability to close the eye (lagophthalmos). When the patient is asked to close his/her eyes, the eyeball rolls upwards as usual (the outer extra-ocular muscles are intact) and the white sclera becomes the only visible part of the eye (BELL’s phenomenon;Fig. 12.151). The inability to close the eyes prevents the even distribution of the tear film across the eye surface. As the tear film becomes discontinuous, the Cornea starts to become dry and loses transparency shortly thereafter. The patient is unable to see with this eye. The missing eyelid closure represents the greatest challenge in the treatment of patients with facial nerve palsy.

Lacrimal apparatus


Clinical Remarks

If an impaired function of the lacrimal gland is suspected, e.g. as part of a facial nerve palsy, the SCHIRMER’s test is performed. A filter paper strip of standardized length, bent at one end, is hooked into the conjunctival sac. Absorped tear fluid causes a change in colour (→ Fig. 9.27). At a normal rate of tear production, more than two thirds of the paper strip should be coloured within 5 minutes. A shorter length of the moisturised (coloured) paper strip suggests a reduced tear production.

Another test of the tear film examines its ability to maintain a continuous film across the entire eye surface by measuring the time it takes for the tear film to break up (tear break-up time). A normal tear break-up time is approximately 20–30 seconds but break-up times below 10 seconds can cause the dry eye syndrome.

Clinical Remarks

The V. angularis located in the medial (nasal) canthus transitions into the intraorbital V. ophthalmica and connects a part of the facial venous drainage system (V. facialis) with the Sinus cavernosus. Infections in the outer facial area (e.g. improper squeezing of pimples on the cheek) can lead to a spread of bacteria reaching the Sinus cavernosus and causing a cavernous sinus thrombosis (→ p. 223). At the first signs of ascending infection, the V. angularis should be ligated at the medial canthus to prevent a potentially life-threatening thrombosis of the sinus. Inflammation of the lacrimal gland (dacryoadenitis; → Fig. 9.28) causes protrusion of the Septum orbitale and reduced eyelid opening.

Lacrimal apparatus

Extra-ocular muscles

Muscles of the eye

Extra-ocular muscles


Fig. 9.42 Muscular origins at the Anulus tendineus communis (tendinous anulus of ZINN), right side; frontal view. [10]
The Anulus tendineus communis is the origin for the Mm. rectus superior, rectus medialis, rectus inferior, and rectus lateralis. A neurovascular bundle not depicted in this image passes through the Anulus (→
Fig. 9.43). Also shown is the M. levator palpebrae superioris which originates at the tip of the orbit from the Ala minor ossis sphenoidalis. The M. obliquus superior has its origin at the Corpus ossis sphenoidalis medial to the Anulus tendineus communis at the dural sheath.
* tendinous anulus of ZINN

Blood vessels of the orbit

Clinical Remarks

An ascending transmission of germs from the facial region via the V. facialis, the V. angularis in the nasal part of the orbit, and the V. ophthalmica inferior can cause a cavernous sinus thrombosis (→ p. 223). In turn, this can result in the damage of the N. abducens [VI] (often the first cranial nerve affected because of its central location within the sinus), N. oculomotorius [III], N. trochlearis [IV], and the first and second trigeminal branch (Nn. ophthalmicus [V/1] and maxillaris [V/2]) with corresponding deficiencies (paralysis of extra-ocular muscles, sensory deficits etc.).


Arteries and nerves of the orbit

Orbit, topography

Orbit, frontal sections



Blood vessels of the eyeball


Fig. 9.58 Blood vessels of the eyeball, Bulbus oculi, right side; horizontal section at the level of the N. opticus [II]; superior view.
Arterial blood supply (→
Fig. 9.44). Venous drainage is through the V. centralis retinae and four to eight Vv. vorticosae (vorticose veins; → Fig. 9.45). The latter pierce the sclera posterior to the equator of the eyeball and join the Vv. ophthalmicae superior and inferior.
* clinical term: canal of SCHLEMM

** clinical term: Uvea


Iris and ciliary body



Clinical Remarks

After retinal ablation the retina takes on a whitish-yellow colour. Alterations of the retinal blood vessels, as commonly observed with diabetic retinopathy or hypertension, are visualised early by fundoscopy. Advanced diagnostic procedures include fluorescence angiography (→ Fig. 9.67). Increased intracranial pressure makes the optic disc protrude into the eyeball and its margins appear less well defined (optic disc oedema). Glaucoma also causes characteristic alterations to the optic disc (→ Fig. 9.68). Pathological alterations to the Macula lutea are often age-dependent. The most frequent cause of blindness in Western industrialised nations is age-dependent macular degeneration (AMD).

Orbit, MRI

Visual pathway

Visual pathway and blood vessels


Fig. 9.72 Brain, Cerebrum, and blood supply of the visual pathway; inferior view. The pituitary gland has been removed at its infundibulum (*). The pituitary gland lies in close proximity to the Chiasma opticum.
The visual pathway originates within the retina and contains the first three neurons and interneurons (horizontal cells, amacrine cells). The different cell layers are (from outside to inside):

1st Neuron: photoreceptor cells of the retina (cone and rod cells)

2nd Neuron: bipolar ganglion cells of the retina (perikarya in the Ganglion retinae) which receive signals from the photoreceptor cells and transmit these signals to a multipolar ganglion cell (3rd Neuron)

3rd Neuron: multipolar ganglion cells of the retina (perikarya in the Ganglion opticum).

This principle network structure of three neurons forming an intraretinal chain only applies to the cone cells. Up to 40 rod cells converge their signals onto one bipolar cell and this cell will then transmit these signals indirectly, with the help of amacrine cells (20–50 different types of these cells are described in the literature), to one multipolar ganglion cell.

The axons of the Ganglion opticum extend primarily to the Corpus geniculatum laterale (Radix lateralis) although several fibres also extend into the Area pretectalis and into the Colliculus superior (Radix medialis) as well as to the Hypothalamus. The fibres run within the N. opticus [II] to the Chiasma opticum, where the fibres from the nasal part of the Retina cross to the opposite side. The fibres from the temporal part of the Retina do not cross. Each Tractus opticus contains fibres which transmit information from the contralateral half of the visual field.

4th Neuron: Its axons travel primarily from the Corpus geniculatum laterale to the areas 17 and 18 of the cerebral cortex (Area striata) in the region surrounding the Sulcus calcarinus.